Saturday, December 15, 2012

Discussion post: When was the last time you...

Lately, I've been trying to think of new ways to keep my blog (and myself) on track with those niggling little housekeeping things that are very easy to push to the side and say you'll get to them "next time". Then the next time rolls around and something new and shiny (and infinitely more interesting) comes up and it gets put off again.

Guys, I've been meaning to update my "About" page for MONTHS. Yes, MONTHS. *hangs head*

*tries to ignore what I just wrote*

Anyway. I have a couple of questions for all my lovely readers out there:
  1. How do you stay on top of updating your blog? I'm not talking about reviews or posts in this case. I'm talking about things such as your review archive (something I'm actually on top of with my twice a week updates) and your sidebars (time to get rid of those buttons from Summer 2012!).
  2. If you're unaware, at the beginning of this week, Amanda's blog (and several others) went offline for a few hours when the servers hosting it went down. They were fortunate that it was something that was fairly quickly fixed but it was still a nerve-wracking couple of hours. When was the last time you backed up your blog? For the record, I backed mine up ASAP when Amanda mentioned that the last time she'd done hers was a while back. Before that? I don't think I'd EVER done it. Here's a quick and easy tutorial for Blogger and a quick and easy walk through for Wordpress blogs (both .com and self hosted). (PS: ignore the really annoying gif at the beginning of this post. I promise the good stuff is there) (and, yes, there's a Blogger tutorial on that WP one. I just can't get past the gratuitous use of gifs on that post.)
  3. Would anyone be interested in a monthly feature that would remind us to get those little, annoying, "I'll do them next time!" things done? I'm either thinking of a once a month post that would remind us to back up our blogs, check our sidebars, write up a new About page, etc. OR a quick mention in my Clock Rewinders post every week.
Think of this as a monthly/weekly (whichever it ends up being) kick in the pants to maintain your blog and avoid any disasters. My thought is that if you can keep up on the little things, you can focus on the BIG ones when events such as Bloggiesta roll around. I also think only backing up your blog twice a year is not nearly enough (says the girl who hadn't backed it up in 2+ years prior to this week). Yes, do as I say, not as I did, people!

If anyone wants to share, I'd love to know what things you constantly put off and what things you DREAD doing and wouldn't mind some encouragement on (kinda like the way I hate folding laundry. Seriously, if someone were to cheer me on as I folded, it would *almost* be something I looked forward to).


  1. I, for one, really like this idea. I need to be better at maintaining my blog.

    1. And I would love to have even MORE of an opportunity to poke you about doing things. *evil laugh*

  2. I could totally get behind this idea! I am constantly putting off updating my master list of reviews and cross-posting to GR etc. I just hate doing it cause it's tedious, and then I put it off until there's TONS to do and then it's even more tedious. A little cheering on couldn't hurt! :)

  3. I would get behind this idea! Although, I have to say, I'm really good about updating my blog. I check it mostly daily to make sure everything is in order and that my sidebars are clear. I add books to my challenge lists as soon as I read them. I think the idea is just keeping on top of it as soon as it happens, rather than letting it build up and then having so much you don't feel like doing anymore. Kind of like cleaning the house, or doing the dishes lol.

    Pretty Deadly Reviews

    1. I feel like I'm decent about staying on top of things (except that darn About page) but I could be SO MUCH better. *cracks knuckles* I must begin plotting now!

  4. I will definitely be on board for a maintenance post :) Count me in!

    I use vaultpress for my blog. I know I had to pay for it but it backs it up every hour. Love that piece of mind :)

    I am horrid at keeping my categories clean. Since I use them to auto-build my menu--it makes it even worse. *sigh*

    Also keeping my to-do list up to date is oddly hard LOL

    1. YAY! I'm going to start plotting and planning. *grins manically*

  5. Sweet! I already feel like I've accomplished something now!

  6. I like the idea. I'm actually putting together a schedule for blogging tasks.

    1. Nice! I'm trying to figure out how I want to format/present things. *plots... plots... plots*

  7. I love the idea! I'm on GoDaddy and I went down for quite a while when they were hacked way back when. I guess I probably should have freaked. Unfortunately, I rely on GoDaddy's daily backup of my blog. I only backup when I remember, which is once every 2 months or so.

    There are so many things we could all do more on maintenance... does anyone use WP Optimize? I have to remember to always run it to clear my databases and drafts. UGH!

    Great post!!

    1. I'm getting a lot of ideas on things I want to remind people of. *crackles knuckles* *settles in to the planning stage*

    2. I use WP Optimize. I like it! Don't know if it really DOES much. But I like it. I end up with a lot of drafts, so it's nice to clear those out.

  8. Kelly this is such a great idea! :) Blog maintenance is such a hassle. I would totally be up for a meme/feature for constant gentle prodding. I actually backed up my blog today before I updated the but before today I couldn't tell you how long it's been.

    List of things I despise doing: review archiving, cross posting reviews, emptying the spam queue, among other things. :)

    1. Excellent. I'm cobbling together a list. I'll probably start it in January. *has excitement*

  9. I'm the worst with little updates like the About page and my review list. The review list is the worst. I never remember to update that so I end up spending an hour updating it when I finally get around to it.

    Also, I've never backed up my blog. I should do that. Thanks for the link on that!

    A meme would definitely be helpful. I'm looking forward to it!

    1. Cool. I'm in the planning stages now and I'm realizing that there's A LOT of stuff that can be addressed. I'll have to buckle down and get this done!

  10. That's a great idea! I try to update things on my blog at LEAST monthly. I did back up my blog after the whole Wordpress thing, though I think I had backed it up not too long before that ... I really should do it more often!

    1. For blog backup, I think I'm going to remind people every time I post (which looks like it's going to be every other week, at this point). If the absolute worst happened, you'd still lose 2 weeks worth of posts, but that's better than 4 weeks or 2 months. So... there you go.
