
[Hi all, the Write On Review-a-thon is taking a break in 2024. I've been hosting it since 2017 and need a little mental break. I'll reevaluate it midway through the year and see what I want to do going forward. Thanks for joining me in keeping up on reviews!]

Have a pile of reviews you need to get to? Need some friendly encouragement to get things done? DON'T WORRY, WE'VE GOT YOU COVERED!

The Write On Review-a-thon is a monthly, low-key event to help you stay on top of your review pile. Join however you're comfortable (via blog or whatever works for you) and get motivated to keep your reviews up to date!

A little about the Review-a-thon:
Brought to you by Reading the Paranormal, this monthly review-a-thon is a chance to get caught up on outstanding reviews. Bring your to-be-reviewed list, block out some time, write reviews. It's that simple.
(Previously hosted by The Book Vixen and then Book Bumblings. I enjoyed the push to get reviews written and I'm going to keep doing them. Anybody who wants to join in can and we'll make it a party!)
2024 schedule
  • currently on hiatus

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