Saturday, September 10, 2016

Fall Bloggiesta

I'm going to be participating in the Fall Bloggiesta running September 15-18. Who's excited!?!?!

What's Bloggiesta? you ask. Excellent question. Allow me to let the fine folks behind this event explain...
In short, Bloggiesta is a blogging marathon revolving around ticking off those items on your to-do list and improving your blog while in the good company of other awesome bloggers doing the same thing. Our awesome mascot Pedro (Plan. Edit. Develop. Review. Organize) is ready to break out the nachos, enchiladas, drinks, mariachi music and whack a pinata or two! It’s nothing short of an awesome fiesta! - (from the Bloggiesta About page)
I have THINGS I need to get done. A few things, at least. LET'S DO THIS!

Reading the Paranormal
  • Brainstorm Spotlight On posts for 2017

Bout of Books
  • Prep rafflecopter for 18 (confirm prizes)

Kelly Apple
  • Check links and pages for accurate information


  1. I will be doing my very first Bloggiesta this time (and even hosting a challenge). I'm definitely excited

    My Bloggiesta Page

  2. Good luck with everything this weekend! :)

  3. Looks like you're almost done with your goals! Congratulations! My to-do list always seems to grow instead of shrink, so guess I need to get busy. Happy Bloggiesta!

    1. I just marked the last one off! BUT...I did find something else I'd like to work on over the next few weeks, so... yeah. I get how those to-do lists grow.
