Friday, December 30, 2016

Bout of Books 18 Starting Line

 Bout of Books 18
Bout of Books 18 is here! Check out the Bout of Books blog to see the ins and outs of what to expect from this read-a-thon. Reminders for the daily challenges (if you wish to participate), Twitter chats, etc will be posted to keep you in the loop. Now, let's get our read on!

Time Devoted to Reading
I will be dedicating the entire week to reading. As usual, I'm also working full time and writing. So...yeah.

My Goals
  • Read
  • Have fun!
  • Don't stress
Books to Read
  • Review requests:
    • Claimed by the Mate 3 by Kate Douglas and AC Arthur
    • The Keeper by J.L. Bryan - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
  • Random reads I'd love to dive into
    • Dragon Bond by Ruby Lionsdrake - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
    • Feels Like Forever by Katie Michaels - READ
    • Luke's Dream by Melissa Haag - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
    • Thomas' Heart by Melissa Haag - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
    • Meridian Six by Jaye Wells - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
    • Ghosts of the Motor City by Sierra Dean - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
    • Killer Mate by Ella Drake - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
    • Wellington's Surprise by Ella Drake - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
    • Mastering the Mistress by Evangeline Anderson - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
    • Twenty-Sided Sorceress Series by Annie Bellet
      • Justice Calling - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
      • Murder of Crows - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
      • Pack of Lies - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
    • Dog Days Series by Sierra Dean
      • Winter - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
      • Spring - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN
      • Summer - READ & REVIEW WRITTEN

Number of books I’ve read today: 4
Total number of books I’ve read: 4
Books read: Killer Mate, Ghosts of the Motor City, Mastering the Mistress, Wellington's Surprise
Today #insixwords: Day one of BoB: NO WORK!
Things I learned on Twitter: You guys are effing HILARIOUS! That Twitter chat made me laugh. And laughter is good. CARRY ON, MY WAYWARD SON!
Final Tally: One surly alien, one world-weary detective, one inexperienced lady, one tiny surprise

Number of books I’ve read today: 3
Total number of books I’ve read: 7
Books read: Winter, Meridian Six, Spring
Today #insixwords: Back to work, no reading time.
Things I learned on Twitter: HA. Twitter. I was not on the Twitter. THANKS, WORK! I'll remember this later.
Final Tally: One cursed boy, one dangerous rebel, one powerful witch

Number of books I’ve read today: 2
Total number of books I’ve read: 9
Books read: Summer, Luke's Dream
Today #insixwords: Another day, another two books read!
Things I learned on Twitter: I was sadly absent from all of the internets today. I had to work. It was awful. (Not really. I sort of read at work. Which is a thing I do sometimes. So, yeah.)
Final Tally: One happily reunited couple, one couple on the run

Number of books I’ve read today: 0
Total number of books I’ve read: 9
Books read: -none-
Today #insixwords: My head hurts too much to find six words.
Things I learned on Twitter: I had a killer headache on top of a busy work day today. Which is weird because Thursdays are usually my do-nothing day. But whatever. I got through it. I can read a few books tomorrow.
Final Tally: -none-

Number of books I’ve read today: 2
Total number of books I’ve read: 11
Books read: The Keeper, Thomas' Heart
Today #insixwords: Ahh, Friday. Welcome, my old friend.
Things I learned on Twitter: Good gravy, this is like day 4 of not being online. I wish I could say I was busy reading, but I've just been REALLY busy at work.
Final Tally: One haunted lighthouse, one pack of wolves

Number of books I’ve read today: 3
Total number of books I’ve read: 14
Books read: Justice Calling, Murder of Crows, Pack of Lies
Today #insixwords: A perfect day for big reading!
Things I learned on Twitter: Twitter chats, man. TWITTER CHATS. They rock. SO hard. *high fives everyone*
Final Tally: One sorceress on the run, one vengeful spirit, one couple finding their way back together

Number of books I’ve read today: 2
Total number of books I’ve read: 16
Books read: Dragon Bond, Feels Like Forever
Today #insixwords: A solid last day for BoB.
Things I learned on Twitter: I was offline most of today (this seems to be a bit of a theme this week, doesn't it?) getting adult-type stuff done. You know, grocery shopping and such. Meh. Anyway. I did read and stay mostly dry despite the massive storm dropping tons of rain on us here in the Bay Area.
Final Tally: One powerful dragon, one high school romance

Final Thoughts: As always, I'm so SO thrilled by how everybody throws themselves into Bout of Books. Many books were read and I got a fantastic start to my 2017 reading! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO JOINED US. We'll be back again in May!


  1. Happy reading to you!! Good luck with your reading goals this round of BOB. I am having a blast so far and have just finished my first book around 2pm... It's wet and rainy where I live, which has made it easy to stay indoors and focus on reading. :-)

    1. Thank you! Wet and rainy here, too. Enjoy your reading time!

  2. Wow how do you have time to read that many books!?
    I'm lucky if I read 9 books a month let alone in a few days. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks! I read pretty fast. Having Monday off helped, too, since I was able to spend the entire day being all readerly.

  3. OMG 16 books read!! Impressive!! I didn't read anywhere the amount of books that you read, but I did meet my reading goals!!

    I also had fun participating in a few of the readathon challenges and posting comments on other people's blogs throughout the week.

    Have fun reading the rest of the year and hope to see you in the next BOB Readathon!!

    1. Yeah, this was a good reading week, wasn't it?
      See you next time!
