Friday, May 10, 2024

Package Makes Perfect by Lauren Connelly [Review]

Package Makes Perfect (Green Valley Heroes #6) by Lauren Connolly
Format: ebook
Source: provided for review
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: March 14, 2024

Green Valley Heroes
1. Forrest for the Trees
2. Parks and Provocation
3. Letter Late Than Never
4. Peaches and Dreams
5. Young Buck
6. Package Makes Perfect - Paperback | Kindle

Lauren Connolly
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
When a man cheats, don’t go postal. Date a postman.

Robin Dunn is used to dealing with egotistical men. After years in the military and working in the male-dominated field of aviation mechanics, Robin thought she could tell the good guys from the bad. She even moved to the small town of Green Valley for a man she planned to build a life with. So why is that guy butt-naked on their couch with another woman, fondling her chest like he found himself a set of stress balls?

Not one to run away, Robin decides to stake a claim on her new home and dole out some much-needed revenge. In a twist of luck, she convinces Arthur Kraut, her loser ex’s cousin, and the town’s grumpy mail carrier, to agree to her fake relationship scheme. Probably because she offers to help the guy with his lady troubles through copious amounts of PDA.

After a lifetime of disappointments, Robin can’t help noticing how Arthur always delivers when she needs him. Too bad she’s done with needing men. Doesn’t matter that kissing Arthur has her thinking other, dirtier thoughts. All she wants is to get revenge on her ex, fix airplanes, and not fall for a man who has his heart set on someone else…
Thoughts on Package Makes Perfect: Another GV hero is up and YESSSSS. We'd met Arthur previously and guy was a big, slightly grumpy (but not really grumpy, he just doesn't talk much), bear of a guy who didn't have the best luck in the romance department. And his kissing skills? Well, let's just say he freezes up during a lip lock and it's not a whole lot of fun for anyone.

Robin is complicated. Actually, SHE'S not complicated, but her situation is. You see, Robin was dating Arthur's cousin and when certain facts of a cheating nature came to light regarding said cousin, Arthur was the one Robin turned to when she needed someone at her back. I'm not even sure if she sought him out because she needed someone at her back, but in the end the big guy was there for her. Not in a creepy way (or even romantic) way, he just had her back because what his cousin did rubbed Arthur the wrong way.

With no where else to go, Robin ended up renting a room from Arthur. And, as things sometimes happen, soon they're fake dating to show the ex she's moved on. There's practice kissing, too. And practice other stuff which both Robin and Arthur like A LOT. (As an aside, Arthur's family giving him grief about moving in on Robin was ROUGH. The big guy took a lot from his family and he's not the one who did anything wrong. On the upside, once the truth was known about what happened, his family miiiight have changed their tune.)

A garden hose of cold delights, a little heartbreak, a whole lot of family, airplanes, mail delivery, sexy times in a van, kiss attacks, drunken texts, a man who likes his schedules, and a lady who realizes she needs to be a straight shooter about what she wants before all those things slip away from her. MAN, I like spending time in Green Valley!

Grab your copy TODAY!

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