Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Finding Mr. Write by Kelley Armstrong [Review]

Finding Mr. Write by Kelley Armstrong
Format: ebook
Source: provided through NetGalley
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: May 10, 2024

Purchase Links: Paperback | Kindle

Kelley Armstrong
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Daphne McFadden already knows that as a female author, the cards are stacked against her. Now she knows just how much. Because her sudden whim to pose as an “outdoorsy hunk of masculinity” male author for her new book just resulted in the unthinkable: a bidding war, a huge book deal, and the kind of fame every author dreams of. Now she’s in big trouble. Because she needs to convince the world that Zane Remington actually exists . . . but how?

By hiring an actor, of course.

Only Chris Stanton is not an actor—not officially. He’s used to balancing the books, not pretending he wrote one. Still, he’s mostly certain he can pose as some overly macho bro-author. But when the media descend on Daphne’s gorgeous remote home in the Yukon, it’s not enough for Chris to just be the face of Zane Remington—he’ll have to become him. All while hilariously balancing the terrifying dangers of the wilderness, a massive femme fandom, and a serious crush on Daphne. But as the hype circus gets more out of control, it’s just a matter of time before someone discovers their little write lie . . .
Thoughts on Finding Mr. Write: A female writer who wrote a darn good book, but can't sell it until she pretends she's a man and the man she hires to play her newly created male persona to the masses. Fortunately for Daphne, Chris is nothing like the swaggering writer he needs to pretend to be. In fact, Chris is pretty awesome.

Sure, Daphne has to talk herself into getting into any sort of relationship with him, but that's more because she's concerned about the whole employer/employee thing. And Chris has to talk himself into the same, but that's more because he's really playing an accountant playing an actor playing the guy he thinks Zane Remington should be. Which sounds confusing, but really it's just that Chris has to play the part of a macho guy who isn't afraid of anything when he's really a sweet, math nerd with a great chest and arms. WWZRD, amirite?

Anywho. Daphne and Chris hit it off after their first somewhat disastrous meeting (which was very Zane Remington and very NOT Chris Stanton) and soon they're giving interviews (well, Chris as Zane is giving interviews) and are on a book tour trying to figure out how much is too much when it comes to keeping Zane's persona going. In other words, Daphne is bit by the guilt bug over deceiving her readers and Chris wants to support her in any way she needs him to. Which actually turns into a whole THING, but it's cool. It's all cool.

A little deception that keeps growing, an encounter with a bear, a rescue from a lake, a book tour, steamy kisses, long looks, a man who shows his love with baking, and a woman who likes the real Chris Stanton far more than Chris as Zane. GOOD TIMES all around!

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