Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pumpkin Spice and Pour-Overs by Elise Kennedy [Review]

Pumpkin Spice and Pour-Overs (Only One Cozy Bed Novellas #1) by Elise Kennedy
Format: ebook
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: October 25, 2023

Only One Cozy Bed Novellas
1. Pumpkin Spice and Pour-Overs - Kindle
2. Apple Cider and Subterfuge
3. Hot Cocoa and Mistletoe
4. Snowed In and Snuggle Weather

Elise Kennedy
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Becca Habar is determined to get her dream job: managing a bookstore in Benning Falls, Vermont. The only things standing in her way? A bumpy train, no place to stay, and a bookish, kind, broad-shouldered stranger who is determined to get the job first.
Thoughts on Pumpkin Spice and Pour-Overs: Not going to lie: this book had me at the "only one bed". ONLY ONE BED. I have strong feelings about the only one bed scenario. All of them good.

So. Becca meets a hunky stranger on the train on the way to a job interview she REALLY wants to get. She doesn't have time for romantic entanglements even if the entanglement in question is a sweet, hot, cinnamon roll of a guy. The fact he's interviewing for the same job is irksome. The fact that he offered to share his room with her (the one with the aforementioned ONLY ONE BED) when circumstances have her staying in town unexpectedly is decidedly less irksome. Especially when one has wandering sleeping hands and likes to aggressively cuddle.

On the plus side, Leo isn't especially against either the wandering hands or the aggressive cuddling. In fact, our dude REALLY likes those things when they're happening with Becca.

A little rivalry for a job, an opportunity that works for everyone, a little unintentional groping, a few kisses that generate a lot of heat, a sweet guy who grabs opportunities when they come up, and a lady who is ready to throw caution to the wind and go all in. Good stuff.

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