Saturday, September 14, 2024

Hidden Star by Nora Roberts [Review]

Hidden Star (Stars of Mithra #1) by Nora Roberts
Format: ebook
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: April 18, 2024

Stars of Mithra
1. Hidden StarKindle
2. Captive Star
3. Secret Star

Nora Roberts
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Bailey James can’t remember a thing. She doesn’t even know who she is, let alone why her bag is filled with cash, a gun, and a large blue diamond. Desperate for help, she heads to the first detective office she can find, hoping that PI Cade Parris is someone she can trust—and with no options, Bailey doesn’t have much of a choice. Cade is sure the woman of his dreams just walked through the door when Bailey shuffles in, but he’ll have to convince her that she’s not a criminal before he can consider his love for her…
Thoughts on Hidden Star: A book with found family, priceless jewels, and a teeny-tiny case of hysterical amnesia? SIGN ME UP. Actually, sign me up for the whole series (which I read back to back, so been there, done that, if you know what I mean) and let's see where these diamonds take us.

First off, Bailey had a stroke of luck (or was it something else?) when she picked Cade as the PI to ask for help. With no memory of what led to her waking up in a dingy hotel room with a diamond that people would kill for her in purse, things could have gone very differently. But she picked Cade and he was up for the job of helping her shake her memories loose and figure out what had caused the disconnect.

On Cade's end, he knew Bailey was something special the moment she walked through his door. The more he learned about her (and she learned about herself, come to think), the harder he fell. While Bailey had some very real fears that she might be a criminal (because why else would she had a diamond, cash, and a gun on her), Cade is certain from the get-go that she was innocent of whatever crime she thinks she might have committed.

It just takes time, patience, and fighting through the block Bailey had thrown up to protect herself to get to where they needed to be.

That said, this is only the start of the story. With two other diamonds out in the wild, there's plenty more danger and wild times to come. Not going to lie, I AM READY!

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