Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Right Path by Nora Roberts [Review]

The Right Path by Nora Roberts
Format: ebook
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: April 5, 2024

Purchase LinksKindle

Nora Roberts
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Synopsis (Goodreads):
On a dream vacation in Greece, Morgan James is enjoying the beautiful island paradise of sun, surf, and sand. That dream becomes a nightmare when she emerges from the ocean after a midnight, moonlit swim to find herself face-to-face with a man wielding a knife. Warning her to say nothing to no one about his presence, he vanishes.

Morgan sees him the very next day, visiting the home of her hosts. Greek tycoon Nicholas Gregoras appears to be on a mysterious mission and he needs Morgan to trust him. Undeniably attracted to and intrigued by Nicholas, she gives into his request only to find herself targeted by some very dangerous people.
Thoughts on The Right Path: An older NR book (but new to me), this one was entertaining, but not quite up to the level of her more recent books. Honestly, this is understandable since writers should grow with every book. I guess I'm trying to say that I enjoyed the book overall, just wanted to put it out there in case readers are expecting 20's level NR characters and writing. The bones are there, but they aren't quite as filled out as the books I've come to love.

That said (and as I said), I DID enjoy the book. We were given a woman who is strong on her own, but who finds someone who is willing and able to meet her on all levels. Nicholas has secrets and bringing Morgan in on those secrets could endanger both his mission and her life. So he taunts and pushes and these two spark off one another whenever they're within each others' orbit.

An island full of secrets, a lady who has a hard time relaxing, and a man who is more than he seems at first glance. Enjoyable.

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