Sunday, March 15, 2015

Spring 2015 Bloggiesta Goals!

I'm going to be participating in the Spring 2015 Bloggiesta running March 23-29. (YESSSSSS! A whole week to work on STUFF! THIS IS EXCITING!)

What's Bloggiesta? you ask. Excellent question. Allow me to let the fine folks behind this event explain...
In short, Bloggiesta is a blogging marathon revolving around ticking off those items on your to-do list and improving your blog while in the good company of other awesome bloggers doing the same thing. Our awesome mascot Pedro (Plan. Edit. Develop. Review. Organize) is ready to break out the nachos, enchiladas, drinks, mariachi music and whack a pinata or two! It’s nothing short of an awesome fiesta! - (from the Bloggiesta About page - and what a fine page it is!)
I have THINGS I need to get done. Well, I have a few things. Not a ton. YAY to that!

Reading the Paranormal
  • Schedule Top Off Tuesday posts through June (6/2, 6/9, 6/16, 6/23, 6/30)

Bout of Books
  • (subject to Amanda's availability) Add linkies Google docs shizz and other stuff (STUFF!) to drafted posts

Kelly Apple
  • Go through all pages to check for broken links, completed publishing info, etc.
  • Update Extras page
  • Brainstorm blog posts for April
  • Draft newsletters for upcoming releases

TECHNICALLY, I didn't finish the Bout of Books stuff. But BUT Amanda and I joined Asana and put all our remaining tasks into it and gave ourselves due dates. Which is kinda LIKE finishing the tasks, AMIRITE? No? Well, fine. I didn't finish that task. But I did get everything else done plus a few things I didn't know I needed to do. Like update my Kelly Apple FB banner and website banner. Okay, technically, I reverted the website banner back to an old banner, BUT WHATEVER. It's done. I also edited a book this weekend. So, you know, WOOT!


  1. Wonderful list! I am wishing you luck. Happy Bloggiesta!

  2. Errr... just realized. Linkies are a no go because we're not close enough to the read-a-thon. They only let you schedule a month in advance.

    1. Wait. I knew that. I was thinking of the Google docs for challenge sign-ups and such. Which are nothing like linkies. LOLOLOL. OH, KELLY!

  3. Great list! My list keeps growing, and Bloggiesta hasn't even started yet. Good luck, and hope you have fun!

    1. Yeah. It's easy to add to the list when you start thinking about it. BEEN THERE! LOL! Thank you!

  4. Good luck with your tasks and I hope you get them all done!

  5. Wow! That's quite a list you have. And June? You have posts scheduled through June? I am such a slacker LOL! Good luck & happy Bloggiesta :)

    1. Yup. I'm scheduling June right now. I have mad organizational skillz. LOL. Thank you!

  6. Smart list, very do-able. One of my goals is to meet as many new bloggers as possible, so I am spending today visiting as many blogs on the sign up as possible. Happy Bloggiesta

  7. This is a great list, Kelly! Good luck on completing it this week. :)

  8. I can't believe you're already scheduling June! That's amazing. I'm lucky to know what I'm doing for April and that's only because A to Z is coming up. Good for you!! Happy Bloggiesta!

    1. To be fair, I rarely know what I'm doing for the WEEK, I just somehow managed to get (and stay) ahead on the blog. LOL.

  9. Oh my. I'm lucky I got Monday's post scheduled the other day. I would love to have my blogs scheduled that far out in advance. I'm sure not having to worry about Tuesday will be nice.

    1. If I didn't schedule ahead, I'd go crazy. It keeps me balanced. =D
