Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Ghost & Mrs. MacKay by Kate Danley [Quickie Review]

Nightshade Anthology
The Ghost & Mrs. MacKay (Maggie MacKay, Magical Tracker #2.5) by Kate Danley
Format: ebook
Source: provided for review as part of the Nightshade Anthology
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: October 22, 2015

Maggie MacKay, Magical Tracker
1. Maggie For Hire
2. Maggie Get Your Gun
2.5. The Ghost & Mrs. MacKay - Kindle
3. Maggie On the Bounty
4. M&K Tracking
5. The M-Team

Kate Danley
| Website | Twitter | Facebook | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
It's Halloween and Maggie's mother has invited all the ghosts of the neighborhood over for a party. Unfortunately, one of the ghosts is wanted by the Other Side's finest. It’s up to Maggie and Killian to find out what caused this soul's unrest and return him to his happy haunting ground.
Thoughts on The Ghost & Mrs. MacKay: I read the first book in this series ages ago (apparently as a guest post, so... okay), and this story has the same frantic energy I remember from that one. As in, there are so many pop culture hits and quick-fire similes and metaphors you had to pay attention or risk being lost in a sea of ...something flowery. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it was something that made me feel exhausted after reading. (My weirdly sleepless night could have been to blame for that, too, if I'm being honest.)

That said, it's fun. Yes, you have to pay attention. Yes, Maggie strikes me as being one step away from more than slightly crazed. But it works.

So, do with this what you will.

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