Worth the Wait (Love at First Sight #4) by Karla Sorensen
Format: ebook
Source: provided for review
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Date read: September 11, 2022
Love at First Sight
1. Baking Me Crazy
2. Batter of Wits
3. Steal My Magnolia
4. Worth the Wait - Paperback | Kindle
Karla Sorensen
| Website | Amazon |
Synopsis (Goodreads):
You know what I don’t have time for? The brooding, dark-eyed former love of my life showing up when my life is finally settling down.Thoughts on Worth the Wait: The Buchanan love curse takes no prisoners, amirite? I mean, Hunter fell hard and fast for Iris when they were younger, but circumstances separated them and yet he's never forgotten her. Because she's one true love whether they're together or not.
I don’t have time for Hunter Buchanan and that intense look in his eyes. The way he loved me so perfectly all those years ago.
I’m the one who asked him to leave back then, my attempt at saving him from the chaos of my screwed up family.
I didn’t expect him back in Green Valley, looking better than before and with an empty ring finger. And I definitely didn’t expect him to still be in love with me.
I don’t have time for the things I feel around him, or how amazing it is when he touches me.
Most of all, for the broken heart I’ll have if I have to say goodbye again. I survived him leaving once before, but I don’t think I can do it again.
So there’s only one thing I can make time for… staying away from Hunter Buchanan.
As for Iris, she did what she thought was right when they were younger even though it broke her heart in two and she's okay with it. Mostly. Sure, she's a little lonely and she does her level best to avoid the Buchanan family as a whole so she isn't reminded of Hunter, but she's making things work. She has her younger brother to look after and a business she's working to get off the ground and life is decent.
Then she comes face to face with Hunter and she has to face all those messy, complicated emotions about him she's shoved away.
And Hunter? He still deeply in love with Iris and being around her is both the best and the worst thing ever. Second chances, man. They can be a little rough. Especially when there's a love curse tangling things up.
A little heartache, a smart ten year old boy, a new beginning, a lot of family, and a love curse that gets it right even if it takes a while to line up all the moving parts. That's not a euphemism, either. Hunter and Iris need to be in the right headspace to tackle them as a couple and it takes time for them to get where they need to be. Good stuff!
"I'm not your teacher," I said. "Right now, I'm just the guy who's supposed to make sure you don't have to go back to fourth grade. And that means honesty from both of us. And trust." I stood from the bench and held out my hand again. "You can trust me, Theo. But only make a deal with me right now if I can trust you the same way."
It never occurred to me, as a teacher and then later as an administrator, to talk to kids like they didn't have the same struggles as adults. They understood stress and fear and anxiety, albeit on a different scale, with different language behind it.
That scale changed as you grew up. Your responsibilities took on a different face, and you knew how to label those struggles. But to them—at their age—the responsibilities still felt like the whole world was pressing down on their shoulders. It didn't help if the adults in their life pretended otherwise.
So I knew I'd won something big when Theo Rossman stuck his skinny arm out toward me.
He gave me a firm handshake, his cheeks turning pink when I returned it.
"You sound like Iris," he said quietly.
My heart skipped unsteadily in my chest at his use of that name.
"Who's Iris?" I asked calmly. So very, very calmly. I'd only met one person in Green Valley with that name. And as far as I knew, she'd never come back. Not that anyone had told me, at least.
"My sister. I live with her." He tucked his hand back in his pocket, his face softening as he answered. His love for her, even if it wasn't my Iris, was immediately clear.
Behind my ribs, I felt a hot squeeze of pressure while my mind absolutely fucking raced.
"I knew an Iris once." I watched his face as I said it. "She'd probably be about thirty-two now."
His eyes narrowed, mental calculations evident in his face. "I think that's how old my sister is."
My breathing was choppy, my lungs struggling to pull in enough oxygen. "The Iris I knew ... her last name wasn't Rossman."
He kicked at a stick, so blissfully unaware that all my insides were jolting with unchecked pulses of electricity at the mere thought of it being her.
"Yeah, she's my half-sister. She had a different dad, so she has a different last name."
"What's your sister's last name?" I asked, fighting the urge to grab him by the shoulders and shake the truth from his mouth.
At the sound of a car, Theo's attention was pulled to the parking lot. In an instant, he transformed. Wide smile and happy, bright eyes as he waved at the driver of a beat-up-looking SUV. "That's her. Iris Black."
I swiped a hand over my face and tried to check my breathing.
Check my pulse.
My ability to stay fucking conscious.
This was it. All the sleepless nights I'd wondered if I'd ever see her again. Wondered how I'd ever walked away from her, why I believed her when she said she didn't have room for us in her life. If respecting her choice would damn me to a life that would always feel a little empty. Where every day held a slight edge of grief, something that might have worn down over the years but could still damage me if I caught it in the right way.
The last time I saw Iris Black, she wept as she told me to leave. That she couldn't—wouldn't—make room in her life for some great big destined romance. That she couldn't—wouldn't—believe that it was true.
The last time I saw her, I told her I'd love her for the rest of my life, whether she was in it or not. And I walked away all the same.
And there it was.
A gentle snap, a whisper-soft snick of something sliding back into place underneath my ribs. The shift of something that had been out of place since the last time I saw her. The realization came as quick as a thunderbolt and just as powerful. As I slowly turned toward the parking lot and she stepped out of the car, I knew this was the reason I'd come back to Green Valley.
It was her.
The one I'd loved since the moment I saw her.
Who I hadn't seen in twelve years.
The one staring at me like she'd just seen a ghost.
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Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3C3Ow8k

Start the Love at First Sight series of standalones!
Read in Kindle Unlimited!
Baking Me Crazy
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3cU4kQJ
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/3zFBSL1
Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/3cLQtM6
Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3C3Ow8k

Start the Love at First Sight series of standalones!
Read in Kindle Unlimited!
Baking Me Crazy
About Karla Sorensen
Karla Sorensen has been an avid reader her entire life, preferring stories with a happily-ever-after over just about any other kind. And considering she has an entire line item in her budget for books, she realized it might just be cheaper to write her own stories. It doesn’t take much to keep her happy…a book, a really big glass of wine, and at least thirty minutes of complete silence every day. She still keeps her toes in the world of health care marketing, where she made her living pre-babies. Now she stays home, writing and mommy-ing full time (this translates to almost every day being a ‘pajama day’ at the Sorensen household…don’t judge). She lives in West Michigan with her husband, two exceptionally adorable sons and big, shaggy rescue dog.
Connect with Karla
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2lU6xAS
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2khRSPL
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2k0Yp0T
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2lBNuez
Website: http://www.karlasorensen.com/
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