Saturday, October 28, 2023

Promised to the Orc by Sue Mercury [Review]

Promised to the Orc (Orc Guardian Brides #1) by Sue Mercury
Format: ebook
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: November 14, 2022

Orc Guardian Brides
1. Promised to the Orc - Paperback | Kindle
2. Rescued by the Orc
3. Fated to the Orc

Sue Mercury
| Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
I’ve been promised to an Orc Guardian.

He’s coming for me soon and I will have no choice—I’ll have to leave the realm of humans and marry the huge, fearsome beast known as Gregor the Slayer.

Orc Guardians are said to be cruel and unfeeling. I struggle to accept my lot in life, and I won’t lie—I’m tempted to run and hide. But deep down, I know I wouldn’t get far, and the last thing I wish to do is bring down an orc’s vengeance upon my village… or upon myself.

I soon learn that while Gregor has a fierce, vengeful side, when it comes to me, he can be gentle and… sweet. He’s also intensely protective and possessive of me.

But we come from different realms, and his world is so very different from my own.

Will I survive marriage to a big, growly orc?
Thoughts on Promised to the Orc: I was in the mood for some orc lovin' and picked this bad boy up. Not that Gregor is a bad boy. He's just an orc, doing his orc-ly duty. You know, defending people, scaring the pants off them (not literally), killing things. Oh, and getting ready to pick up his bride. Who DOES NOT know she's been promised to the big guy.

Fortunately for everyone involved, Catrin was not only open-minded enough to not totally freak out at finding she was basically betrothed to an orc, but the two had met not long before and he had already stirred all sorts of feeeeelings in her. Just by being an upstanding dude with big muscles.

Understandable, really.

So. A journey, a quality night spent in a cave, sexy shenanigans, a little danger, and a couple who fit pretty well together from the start despite their differences. *thumbs up*

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