Monday, August 26, 2024

Sublime Target by Anna Carven [Review]

Sublime Target (Darkstar Mercenaries) by Anna Carven
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: January 15, 2024

Darkstar Mercenaries
0.5. A Darkside Interlude
1. Taming Chaos
2. Shattered Silence
3. Fractured Souls
4. Decadence
5. Hyperspeed Dreams
6. Undying Stars
7. Radiant Darkness
7.5. Stronghold
Sublime Target - Kindle

Related Series:
(find all the books in the series on the 1st book review)
Dark Planet Warriors
1. Dark Planet Warriors

Darkstar Mercenaries and Dark Planet Warriors Short Stories

Anna Carven
| Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Jerik Garul wants a mate.

As a former High Commander in the Kordolian Imperial Military, he's used to getting his way. Blunt-spoken and gruff, he has a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later.

He doesn't know anything about humans and their mating customs. And he's mystified at how several of his battle-brothers—hard, ruthless, and lethal—have succeeded in securing their own females.

Apparently, there's a method to this madness. A way to seduce a human woman; to make her come willingly.

He just needs to figure it out—and he's determined to do it his way.
Thoughts on Sublime Target: Jerik might not be First Division, but let's face it, ALL the Kordolian warriors are pretty terrifying and awesome. Except to their mates. Their special someones might see the strength and lethalness of their warriors, but they're never terrified by it.

Yes, Clarissa definitely fits that bill. She might have been a little overwhelmed by Jerik and his crew when she first encountered them (not that she was about to let them see how they rattled her), but she was never afraid of Jerik. In fact, most of what rattled her was how drawn she was to him despite his imposing demeanor and piercing stare.

On Jerik's end, he knows he's compatible with Clarissa, but he doesn't know how much he'll come to admire and crave her before that first meeting. Then she met them with cool competence (even in the face of her boss's douchery) and it was ALL OVER for the big guy. He was smitten. All in. There was no other for him. And that was before he ever caught her scent.

A series of events intended to let Clarissa get to know Jerik before he expressed his intentions, a boss that sounds HORRIBLE to work for, a determined warrior, and a lady who gets to see the softer side of the High Commander and REALLY likes it. Man, I like spending time with these Kordolians and the ladies who capture their hearts.

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