Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Flash by Jayne Ann Krentz [Review]

Flash by Jayne Ann Krentz
Format: ebook
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: April 1, 2024

Purchase LinksPaperback | Kindle

Jayne Ann Krentz
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Olivia Chantry may leave her desk in disarray, but she’s a business dynamo—and the success of her Seattle-based company, Light Fantastic, keeps her from dwelling on her crumbled marriage. When Olivia inherits 49 percent of Glow, Inc., her uncle’s high-tech lighting firm, she butts heads with the interloper who bagged the other 51 percent: Jasper Sloan, a venture capitalist known as an orderly man with all his ducks in a row.

Right from the start, the so-called partners nearly crash and burn—and can barely contain the sexual energy crackling between them. But when they discover a blackmailer uncovering secrets inside Glow, Olivia and Jasper’s steamy joint venture faces the acid test of truth…and a need for absolute trust. For when extortion turns to murder, a union of their minds—and hearts—might be their only chance to stay alive.
Thoughts on Flash: This was a reread for me and, I must say, I'm having fun with these older JAK books. They're fun and I like fun.

This time around, we have Olivia and Jasper. At first glance, these two couldn't be less alike. Jasper likes order and working off of solid information. Olivia is not as orderly and sort of goes with her gut on things. But Jasper also follows his gut and Olivia comes to appreciate Jasper's orderliness (I don't know that she'll ever be as organized as him, but she appreciates that he is).

Jasper's 51% of Glow and a little case of blackmail (that starts with one of Olivia's family members and soon spirals out to the two of them) has them forced to work with and trust one another. Given that the two of them have more than a few sparks, THINGS HAPPEN when they occupy space and soon they're working VERY closely together.

A little danger, a little compromise, a spooky storage unit, more than a few steamy kisses, a man who doesn't have the best timing when it comes to personal issues (but GREAT timing on other things), and a lady who ALWAYS gives the client what they're asking for. Yep, I'm enjoying revisiting some of these older JAK couples. *thumbs up*

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