Thursday, October 3, 2024

Candle & Crow by Kevin Hearne [Review]

Candle & Crow (Ink & Sigil #3) by Kevin Hearne
Format: ebook
Source: provided through NetGalley
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: August 12, 2024

Ink & Sigil
1. Ink & Sigil
2. Paper & Blood
3. Candle & Crow - Hardcover | Kindle

Related Series:
(find all the books in the series on the 1st book review)
The Iron Druid Chronicles
1. Hounded

Oberon's Meaty Mysteries
1. The Purloined Poodle

Kevin Hearne
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Al MacBharrais has a most unusual job: He’s a practitioner of ink-and-sigil magic, tasked with keeping order among the gods and monsters that dwell hidden in the human world. But there’s one supernatural mystery he’s never been able to solve: Years ago, someone cast twin curses on him that killed off his apprentices and drove away loved ones who heard him speak, leaving him bereft and isolated.

But he’s not quite alone: As Al works to solve this mystery, his friends draw him into their own eccentric dramas. Buck Foi the hobgoblin has been pondering his own legacy—and has a plan for a daring shenanigan that will make him the most celebrated hobgoblin of all. Nadia, goth queen and battle seer, is creating her own cult around a god who loves whisky and cheese.

And the Morrigan, a former Irish death goddess, has decided she wants not only to live as an ordinary woman but also to face the most perilous challenge of the mortal world: online dating.

Meanwhile, Al crosses paths with old friends and new—including some beloved Druids and their very good dogs—in his globe-trotting quest to solve the mystery of his curses. But he’s pulled in so many different directions by his colleagues, a suspicious detective, and the whims of destructive gods that Al begins to wonder: Will he ever find time to write his own happy ending?
Thoughts on Candle & Crow: Sigil agent Al MacBharrais has A LOT going on. So much. The guy is cursed, dealing with gods and other supernatural beings who like to push the boundaries of what they're allowed to do, and the possibility of ever retiring is just a pipe dream thanks to that aforementioned curse. And yet he's making things work.

He has Buck and Nadia, the Morrigan and Gladys and they're managing to keep on top of things. Sort of. I mean, sure, Nadia is probably starting a cult and Gladys is something that scares the other gods into toeing the line and Buck is a hobgoblin with all the quirks and pranks that come along with hobgoblinry and the Morrigan has a tendency to eat the eyes of people who cross her, but they're managing.

And Al? He's figuring things out. One step at a time and all that. He's getting closer to figuring out who cursed him and that particular journey has him crossing paths with a seer who gives him answers to the vexing trafficking problem he's run across back home. Which, in turn, is tangled up with an unpleasant man from Manchester. Seriously, Al has A LOT going on.

That said, this was a very satisfying end point. Al gets answers. Buck gets direction. Nadia finds her happy place (almost literally). The Morrigan redefines herself in a rather unexpected way. And Gladys...well, Gladys is a lady even the gods don't want to cross and she's happy with that.

A little danger, good whisky, gods and monsters, some very good dogs, magic, curses, the power of belief, and one aging sigil agent who's ready to start the next phase of his life. GOOD TIMES!

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