Monday, October 14, 2024

The Duchess by Jude Deveraux [Review]

The Duchess (Montgomery/Taggert Family #2) by Jude Deveraux
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: May 6, 2024

Montgomery/Taggert Family
1. The Black Lyon
2. The Duchess - Paperback | Kindle
3. The Temptress
4. The Raider
5. Mountain Laurel
6. Sweet Liar
7. Wishes
8. The Princess
9. Eternity
10. Someone to Love
11. The Heiress
12. The Awakening
13. The Invitation
14. High Tide
15. A Knight in Shining Armor

Jude Deveraux
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Claire Willoughby risked losing millions in her inheritance if, as decreed by her grandfather, she did not wed an "acceptable" man. Harry Montgomery, the eleventh Duke of MacArran, seemed perfect. He owned a historic castle, he looked manly in a kilt, and he was as much a titled Scotsman as Bonnie Prince Charlie himself.

Their engagement announced, Claire's future as a duchess was assured—and she set off with her family to meet the Montgomery clan in Scotland. Bramley Castle was a damp, chill place, overflowing with eccentric relatives. But there was also Trevelyan, a secretive, brooding man who lived in Bramley's ancient halls. Whoever he was, he wasn't at all like Harry: Trevelyan was the most exasperating, arrogant, know-it-all of a man Claire had ever met. And the most fascinating...
Thoughts on The Duchess: This is a re-read for me (actually, the bulk of this series is a re-read and just YESSSSS!) and I kind of remember this as not being my favorite in the series. Maybe? But then I started reading it and ...I liked it. A lot. Way more than I remember liking it. I mean, Trevelyan is a little infuriating at times with his secrets and such, but then who HASN'T wanted to hide from their relatives and duck their responsibilities upon occasion? PFFT. Not me, that's for sure.

Anywho. Time has definitely made me a little more accepting of his eccentricities.

While Trevelyan is secretive and maybe a little brooding, Claire is sunny and curious. She loves the history of Scotland and the crumbling castle and the people who live on the land. Unfortunately, Harry's relatives don't all love her, the loud American. And by Harry's relatives, I mean his mother. She's...not fun. At all. And while the family needs Claire's money, Harry's mother does her level best to make Claire (and everyone around her) as miserable as she is.

Good thing Claire has the infuriating (secretive, brooding) Trevelyan to help her through these trying times.

A whole lot of secrets, excellent Scottish whiskey, more secrets, twisted (and complicated) family dynamics, some glorious fangirl behavior from Claire, a man who can't stop thinking about how nicely he and Claire fit (while refusing to admit just that), and a lady who loves hard when she finds her person. *thumbs up*

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