Friday, October 4, 2024

Mated to the Swamp Monster by Honey Phillips [Review]

Mated to the Swamp Monster (Mated to the Monster) by Honey Phillips
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: April 27, 2024

Mated to the Monster
Mated to the Minotaur
Milk and Honey
Maid for Her Snow Beast
Satyr's Mate
Bonded Beyond Belief
The Manticore's Mate
Mated to the Dragon
Mated to the Swamp Monster - Paperback | Kindle
The Hybrid's Heart
Mated to the Gargoyle
The Kraken's Kiss
Fated to the Phoenix
Sasquatch Love Spell

Honey Phillips
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
“Stay out of the swamp!”

Every child in Cypress Landing has been warned about the terrifying monster lurking in the inky tangle of cypress and willow on the edge of town. But sometimes desperation leaves no other choice…

When Rorie sees her vicious stepfather commit a horrifying crime, her only hope of escape lies through the forbidden swamp. Hurt and exhausted by her headlong flight, she is terrified when she sees a huge, mysterious figure lurking behind the wraith-like tendrils of Spanish moss.

Yet despite his intimidating appearance, something in his eyes gives her the courage to beg for help. And even though he carries her deeper into the swamp, she feels unexpectedly safe in his massive arms.

Marsh has been alone for as long as he can remember. But the swamp is his home, and he has long since made peace with his loneliness. Until a beautiful, injured woman pleads for sanctuary…

As he nurses her back to health, he is enchanted by her innocent smiles and tentative touches. She brings a joy to his existence that he has never known. He will do anything for her - anything except let her go.
Thoughts on Mated to the Swamp Monster: No lie, I'm pretty sure both Rorie and Marsh are happy Rorie disregarded the warning about staying out of the swamp the night she runs away from her stepfather. Sure, things might have been a little rocky there for a while, but both of them ended up with their perfect other half and I AM HERE FOR IT.

So. Rorie and Marsh. She's desperate and afraid, but not of the gentle swamp monster who appears when she needs him most and tends her. He's half human, half Other and he doesn't quite fit into either world. So he hides himself away in the swamp and ignores his loneliness. You know, until a sweet young woman crashes into his world and ignites all those feelings he's been working at ignoring.

A little danger (Rorie's stepfather and his minions are NOT NICE PEOPLE), some unexpected friendships, complicated family dynamics, a male who is as sweet as he is intimidating, and a lady who sees the good in her monster pretty much from the first. GOOD STUFF!

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