Friday, March 14, 2025

Grave Curse by Stacy Gail [Review]

Grave Curse (Gravediggers MC #2) by Stacy Gail
Format: ebook
Source: provided for review
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: October 24, 2024

Gravediggers MC
1. Grave Games
2. Grave Curse - Kindle

Related Series
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Stacy Gail
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
I was five when my smack-addict mom met Hades Colgrave, leader of the Chicago Gravediggers, AKA the worst sadist known to man. I was raised with the other Colgrave children, including the heir to the throne, Tyr, but I was never one of them. That’s why I was the one who was beaten whenever Tyr stepped out of line, and that fool stepped out a lot. How many times did I suffer because of Tyr? My hatred for him grew with every tooth knocked from my head and every drop of blood that I lost.

War with my Uncle Hades is finally at hand. I will rain vengeance down on him for destroying my family’s club, the Chicago Gravediggers. More than that, I’ll avenge every wound Ginger Sisko suffered at Hades’s hand. Ginger is the reason I abandoned my family’s club to that madman and started my own. Now that I’m in charge, I can watch over Ginger to my heart’s content.
And watch her I do.
To keep her safe.
To keep everything around her under my absolute control.
To keep her under my absolute control. Because she’s mine.
She just doesn’t know it yet.

When Tyr set up his new club in Chicago, the same city as his uncle’s club, I knew what that meant—war. As much as I hated Tyr, I hated Hades even more, so if Tyr wants me to stay close while chaos begins to swirl all around me, I can endure it. But what I’m not sure I can endure are Tyr’s relentless attacks on my defenses against him. They’re crumbling fast, and I’m left wondering if this villain in my life has been a hero all along…
Thoughts on Grave Curse: Oh MAN. Tyr and Ginger had a lot of baggage and past trauma to work through before they could find their happy place. And pretty much ALL of it can be laid at the feet of Tyr's uncle, the terrible Hades Colgrave. He tormented (both physically and mentally) both Ginger and Tyr for years. Some of what he did had such a lasting impact on Ginger that she was convinced Tyr hated her (and that she hated him) when that is pretty much the exact opposite of the truth.

No joke, Tyr had it bad for Ginger since they were kids. He knew she was his person, but Hades took what they had and twisted it by convincing Ginger Tyr didn't care enough to keep her safe. He did this time and time again until it sank into her subconscious and took root. Given that he'd turned her mother into the worst sort of human (one who chooses to allow her child to be put in dangerous situations over and over again), Ginger didn't have a lot of defenses against this particular piece of evil.

Which isn't to say she was beaten down. The lady is strong in a thousand different ways. But she was young when Hades started drilling into her that Tyr didn't care and it snuck in and stuck hard.

On Tyr's end, he didn't realize how deeply Ginger's trauma went. Being a Colgrave he kept his emotions on lockdown and Ginger wasn't aware of the depth of his feelings for her. It took a couple of explosive encounters where years of pent up emotions bubbled up before these two were on the same page. To be fair, those explosive emotions were paired with a lot of sizzling chemistry Ginger was trying to ignore, so there was A LOT going on all at once for these two.

With Hades gearing up for war, potential spies around every corner, and this new relationship springing full-blown between two people who love as hard as they fight, the Gravediggers as a whole are on the verge of something big. Tyr and Ginger are just leading charge as they fight for a brighter future for everyone around them. *thumbs up*

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