Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Grave Games by Stacy Gail [Review]

Grave Games (Gravediggers MC #1) by Stacy Gail
Format: ebook
Source: provided for review
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: June 3, 2024

Gravediggers MC
1. Grave Games - Kindle
2. Grave Curse

Related Series
(Find all the books in the series on the 1st book review)
House of Payne
1. House of Payne: Payne

Stacy Gail
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
My life as I knew it ended four years ago.

I’d always been on the shy side—you know, not too great with the boys. So when my brother’s hot new friend asked me out, I was dazzled beyond belief. Then our first date turned into a kidnapping, where I was assaulted for three days by this so-called friend. Turns out the guy is the heir to the Chicago Gravediggers Motorcycle Club, and they wanted to recruit my brother bad. Their solution? Torture me until my brother broke. He did, and when he traded his freedom for mine, our family shattered.

The Chicago Gravediggers had once been my MC, my family, but it was being run into the ground by a madman and his psycho kid. A few years back I jumped ship with my fellow brothers to form a new chapter, but everyone knows two Gravedigger chapters in one town is one chapter too many. Then we got word one of theirs is trying to get out. We’ll help him, as long as there’s something in it for us. The only thing that might gum up the works is the guy’s sister, Shiloh McKeen. I’m tasked with making her fall in line, because my road name is Romeo, and I earned it honestly. But Shiloh’s not falling for the act, or me.

Hell, if I’m not careful, I might be the one falling for her.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: The main character is a victim of violent sexual assault, a subject that is dealt with throughout this book. If this is a triggering subject, this book is not for you. Also, physical violence leading to death is also a factor.
Thoughts on Grave Games: We met Tyr and his breakaway chapter of the Gravediggers in Loki's HoP book. Let's just say that Tyr's Gravediggers are a very different beast from his uncle's. In other words, they have legitimate businesses and aren't raving psychos. BUT...they're also on his uncle's radar in a not-so-great way and they have to play things very carefully so things don't tip into outright war between them.

Which brings us to Romeo and Shiloh. He's one of the top lieutenants in Tyr's club and she's a woman who has suffered heartily at the hands of an MC in the past. To say she's wary of him (and everyone else) is putting things lightly. But Romeo worms his way past her defenses and soon some of the secrets Romeo's been holding close come to light. Which isn't great because Shiloh hates all things MC and it takes time and some quick talking on Romeo's part to get her to even give him a chance to explain things.

On Romeo's end, Shiloh might have started as just an assignment, but she intrigued him from the beginning. And when she finally starts letting down her walls enough to tell some of her secrets, he grows to admires her strength and fire. Does he make a not-so-great choice to find a way to get his foot in the door with her? YES, HE DOES. But I also kind of think she wouldn't have given him much of a chance without that push and, in the end, she really did need the protection he and the club provided, so I guess it all turned out okay.

Complicated family dynamics, betrayal on more than one level, unexpected friends, steamy kisses, a man who will fight for the people he loves, and a lady who doesn't realize she's ready to open her heart until one gorgeous, cocky man walks into her life. More please!

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