Sunday, July 10, 2011

Quickie Review: Never a Bride by Amelia Grey

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Her name is on everyone's lips...

When he left for America six years ago, the handsome Viscount Stonehurst never suspected that he would return home to England to find his lovely fiancée embroiled in the scandal of the decade. The woman he planned on making his wife has been kissing every man in London…except him!

But scandal doesn’t matter in search of the truth…

Engaged and then abandoned, Mirabella Wittingham is determined to find the man who drove her cousin to suicide, even if it means ruining her reputation and disgracing herself in the process...When her plans go awry, Mirabella has no choice but to turn to her long-lost fiancé for help. But can she trust the man who deserted her so many years ago, or is he destined to fail her yet again?
My Thoughts: Another fun little historical that didn't require a lot of brainpower to read but that was quite entertaining.  I liked that Mirabella was willing to risk everything to avenge her friend but then she totally let me down when she had all these regrets after the first time she's given a cut in public.  I don't know.  I get that the reality of being known as a social pariah was a little different than she thought it would be, but I was totally down with her throwing her hands in the air and telling those old biddies to mind their effing business.  Unfortunately she didn't do that.  But wouldn't it have been cool if she had dropped the f-bomb in the middle of a conversation like that?

Anyway.  Despite my disappointment with that one reaction, I did enjoy this book.  It was fun.  There was kissing.  There was more kissing.  There was kissing in the rain.  There was the unmasking of a very bad man.  Nice.  Very nice.

More books by Amelia Grey

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