Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Review: Heart of Stone by C.J. Cade

Heart of Stone (Frontiera #1) by C.J. Cade
Format: ebook
Source: free through Amazon
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: May 3, 2013

1. Heart of Stone - Kindle
2. Heart of Steel

C.J. Cade
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Synopsis (Goodreads):
He's an ex-space pirate who's changed his wicked ways ... or has he?

On the wild planet of Frontiera, Rose Thorne is out to save her brother. But when she holds his disreputable boss at gunpoint, Stone Masterson shows her just how ruthless he can be ... and how tender. With space pirates on the loose, is she safe in his arms, or is she just another pawn in his struggle to rule this new planet?
My Thoughts: Man, this book hit the spot. I can't remember the last time I picked up a sexy sci-fi book and this one made me giddy with sexy sci-fi joy. It's hard not to fall for a book with characters as fun as this.

Stone... Stone, Stone, Stone. I like his devil-may-care attitude and his ability to seduce the panties right off of Rose. Honestly, I just liked the guy. He might be a little rough around the edges but he goes after the things he wants and he doesn't leave his lady unfulfilled. I appreciate that in my sexy sci-fi heroes.

Rose is an interesting mix of minx and innocent. She's drawn to Stone and yet she doesn't want to give in because she doesn't *quite* trust him. Until she does give in and she realizes how very, very giving the former pirate is. Again, this is an excellent trait for a hero to have. I approve.

No joke, I am ALL OVER the idea of more of these books. I like the world. I like the characters. I like Cathryn Cade's writing. I'm having WAY too much fun dipping my toes into the sexy and I want MOAR!


  1. Replies
    1. Amanda. AMANDA. There's snow in this one. Clearly the hero and heroine have to cuddle together to stay warm. It's a law of the universe, isn't it?
