Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Halfway Girl by Tessa Bailey [Review]

Halfway Girl by Tessa Bailey
Halfway Girl (Girl #2.5) by Tessa Bailey
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: June 29, 2019

1. Getaway Girl
2. Runaway Girl
2.5. Halfway GirlKindle

Tessa Bailey
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
The team’s resident linebacker, Jerimiah, has gotten used to making people uncomfortable. He’s huge, intimidating and doesn’t have a lot to say. Until he meets Birdie. Now he can’t seem to stop talking, if only so she’ll say more. And stay a little bit longer. To be fair, she doesn’t really have a choice, since they just got locked in the basement together at a frat party…
Thoughts on Halfway Girl: Yessss. I love when the big, burly, mountain man type fall and fall hard. Jerimiah is all those things and he's smitten with Birdie pretty much from the moment he lays eyes on her. He's also a big softie under all his silent gruffness. Except he's not really silent around Birdie. She makes him open up and, well, have semi-public sex because he finds her so utterly irresistible.

As for Birdie, Jerimiah's size doesn't intimidate her in the least. The only thing giving her pause in going all in, in fact, is the promise she made to her sister. But sometimes a girl has to be selfish and grab onto the things that make life worth living. It just takes a while for Birdie to realize it.

Sexy, sweet, and with more than one instance of semi-public sex. Oh, yeaaaaah.

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