Saturday, December 14, 2019

Paying Daddy's Debt by Alexa Riley [Review]

Paying Daddy's Debt by Alexa Riley
Paying Daddy's Debt by Alexa Riley
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: May 19, 2019

Purchase Links: Kindle

Alexa Riley
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Synopsis (Goodreads):
When Ash Carpenter imagines a schoolgirl, the image doesn’t match her. She wears long skirts that are sort of frumpy. Her bulky sweaters hide her shape, and her hair is always in a messy bun. Her tennis shoes are clunky and worn, and there are runs in her thick tights. Her dark-framed glasses hide some of her face…but not all of it. Because he’s caught sight of those ice-blue eyes, and they’ve pierced him to his core.

She walks by his office every day, and finally he's had enough. Ash decides he's tired of waiting and it's time to collect what he's owed. She'll come with him, because there's no other choice. She'll pay her daddy's debt any way Ash sees fit.

Warning: Oh, honey, this is about to get filthy. If your delicate sensibilities can’t handle the dirty, then step aside for those of us who can. It’s quick, but it’s just the right length, if you know what I mean. *slow wink, elbow nudge, goofy snort*
Thoughts on Paying Daddy's Debt: Probably the thing I like best about AR books is they're totally over the top and they always hit the spot. Ash is utterly smitten with Jasmine before he ever speaks to her. Jasmine trusts him from the moment she lays eyes on him. Okay, maybe there were a few moments where she wondered what the heck she was doing putting herself in a stranger's hands, but those were mostly fleeting thoughts that she got over quickly.

The point is they're both all in nearly from the get-go and it's GLORIOUS. He swoops in to pamper her like the princess he believes her to be and she falls utterly in love with the man who would move mountains to get to her if they were ever separated. (The moving mountains thing doesn't happen, mind you, but Ash is the sort to set the world on fire if that's what it took to keep his boo safe.)

OTT and hot hot hot. Just the way I like it.

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