Thursday, October 10, 2024

All I Wanted Was to Become a Scientist But Now I've Got an Alien Boyfriend by Petra Palerno [Review]

All I Wanted Was to Become a Scientist But Now I've Got an Alien Boyfriend (Bubble Babes #2) by Petra Palerno
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: April 25, 2024

Bubble Babes
1. All I Wanted Was Sushi But I Got Abducted By Aliens Instead
2. All I Wanted Was to Become a Scientist But Now I've Got an Alien Boyfriend - Paperback | Kindle
3. All I Wanted Was a Glass of Vino But an Alien Duke Kidnapped Me Instead

Petra Palerno
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):

For the past few years, my life has kind of blown. On Earth, I dedicated my entire existence to science, even if my peers dismissed me as a pretty face. When I got abducted by aliens, I was forced to dance in a bubble for extra-terrestrial enjoyment.

I can’t get anyone to take me seriously even in space.

When I escaped by crashing my alien captor’s bus, Gra’eth saved me from drowning and even offered me a place to stay. He keeps telling people I’m his mate, even though I keep telling him the human word for what we are is roommates, but he refuses to say it that way. Sometimes I can’t tell if he’s being sarcastic or serious—and for my very literal neurodivergent brain, that’s a big problem.


I never expected to have to save Jessy, and I certainly never expected for this strange human to be my mate. Her idea of fun would be to take apart my data pad only to see if she could put it back together again, which sounds like torture to me.

I’ve convinced her to stay in my apartment as what she calls a roommate. The mating bond won’t let me let her leave, but humans can’t even feel it. I don’t know how to keep things friendly when just the smell of her hair is enough to send me into a mating frenzy.

I don’t want to make her uncomfortable, but I can’t keep fighting the pull of this bond. This little speckled human will be the death of me.
Thoughts on All I Wanted Was to Become a Scientist But Now I've Got an Alien Boyfriend: Opal's found her alien prince and it turns out Jessy has a slightly fussy (or at least fussy when it comes to germs) royal attorney who lights up whenever she's around. Gra'eth is minorly germophobic (I say minorly because Jessy's germs don't bother him AT ALL) and he's determined to show Jessy he's the one for her. Except, he doesn't really know how to do this, so things go a little sideways on him.

On Jessy's end, she's not great with social cues when humans are involved and dealing with aliens with their different customs complicates things further. She doesn't quite know how to quantify this thing between her and Gra'eth, but she knows she feels safe with him. Considered she was abducted and trafficked across space, feeling safe with someone is a pretty big deal.

A little case of broken trust, bad aliens who keep popping up at THE WORST time, new friends, newly trafficked human women, a man who makes a bad call and has to deal with the consequences, and a woman who can science THE HECK out of things when it's needed most. Good stuff!

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