Monday, January 20, 2025

Romancing Rem'eb by Ruby Dixon [Review]

Romancing Rem'eb (Ice Planet Clones #3) by Ruby Dixon
Format: paperback
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: July 23, 2024

Ice Planet Clones
1. R'jaal's Resonance
2. Surviving Skarr
3. Romancing Rem'eb - Paperback | Kindle

Related Series:
(find all the books in the series on the 1st book review)
Ice Planet Barbarians
1. Ice Planet Barbarians

1. Lauren's Barbarian

Ruby Dixon
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
I feel like an outsider wherever I go. Croatoan, the Icehome Beach...neither place is home to me. So when a group heads off to the fruit caves to investigate thievery, I go with them. Any excuse to get away from the beach, where I've made a fool of myself in front of my ex and his new mate.

Things go from bad to worse as I'm kidnapped by strangers. These new people have four arms, long fluffy tails, and arching horns. They aren't like any aliens I've seen before, and they live in the warm caverns below the mountains. They should be the enemy. I should hate them for snatching me.

But the chief's son says I'm the most beautiful thing he's ever seen...

New plan: I romance the chief's son until he frees me. What could possibly go wrong?
Thoughts on Romancing Rem'eb: At long last, Tia catches a case of resonance and THINGS ARE COMPLICATED. Not because of Tia (which you might think given the brouhaha around her when she first landed on Icehome), but because her special someone is from a dwindling people who live below the surface of the planet and his father (the chief) has a very specific way of running things. And this specific way? Is NOT going to work for Tia.

But before we get into that (if we do), let's talk about Tia. She was the youngest of the women dropped on the planet and she picked up a bit of a reputation as a troublemaker. She was flirty and liked to kiss and that caused problems among the Sa-Khui males. She was shipped off the Croatoan to grow up and she felt the sting of being sent away. In fact, Tia has more than a few abandonment issues and she doesn't feel like she really *fits* anywhere.

Then she gets kidnapped by the people under the mountain and she still doesn't feel like she fits, but it helps focus her. Or maybe it allows her to reframe things in her head. Regardless, she feels something for Rem'eb on their first meeting (not resonance, but something), but she's REALLY not okay with the whole kidnapping thing. So she decides she's going to do what she has to do to rescue herself. If that means flirting with the man tasked with caring for her, SO BE IT.

On Rem'eb's end, he's NOT happy with some of the recent choices his father has been making as chief of the tribe. But he's honorable and loyal and doesn't know how to push back without making things in his village worse. That said, Tia's (and R'jaal's) capture by one of the tribe outcasts is the catalyst he needs to go against his father's wishes. Except things don't go the way he expects and soon HE'S Tia's captive. Then resonance hits and all bets are off.

But Rem'eb still has obligations in his village. He's unwilling to leave his people behind when he knows he can help steer his father toward better choices. As selfish as he wants to be and stay with Tia as her resonance mate, he can't abandon them. Which leaves him in a bit of a pickle.

I'm really digging the introduction of the people who have been living below-ground. Their remnants of technology and the way they live opens up a world of possibilities for the various people living on the surface. EXCITING!

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