Tuesday, April 18, 2023

R'jaal's Resonance by Ruby Dixon [Review]

R'jaal's Resonance (Ice Planet Clones #1) by Ruby Dixon
Format: paperback
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: February 27, 2023

Ice Planet Clones
1. R'jaal's Resonance - Paperback | Kindle
2. Surviving Skarr

Related Series:
(find all the books in the series on the 1st book review)
Ice Planet Barbarians
1. Ice Planet Barbarians

1. Lauren's Barbarian

Ruby Dixon
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
R'jaal has waited many turns of the seasons for his khui to resonate, only to be disappointed time and time again. But when he is taken captive by strange beings hiding in the very tunnels of the fruit caves, he wakes up to find himself in a strange underground cage.

Also in the cage? A very pretty unfamiliar human female. She says her name is Rosalind. She makes his khui sing.

It's finally his time.

There's a big problem, though -- Rosalind has no khui of her own. And if she doesn't get one soon, she could die.
Thoughts on R'jaal's Resonance: Oh man. R'jaal, the big, sweetheart from the Tall Horn clan who has been so heartbreakingly lonely as all his tribemates and fellow islanders have resonated one after the other, is UP and I AM READY. Seriously. So ready.

So. On top of having a group of illegal clones dropped on them (which I am all for because newbies always bring such fun dynamics to an established group), there's also a little more to Not-Hoth than anyone expected. As in, a whole underground world. With people. People who have been living in said underground for a long, long time. There are also mushrooms and monsters and all sorts of other interesting things. YES!

The downside of these underground dwellers is that they just sort of pluck R'jaal and Tia from the fruit cave and someone kidnaps Rosalind and spirits her away down there. Which isn't good because Rosalind is new to the planet and doesn't yet have a khui to keep her from getting sick. On the upside, R'jaal's khui knows immediately that she's the one for him and the big guy will do just about anything to keep her safe and happy. Which makes for some interesting encounters with the two being imprisoned together.

New faces, books!, a sweet alien male who is thrilled by his khui's choice of a mate, a human lady who has a lot of adjustments to make to this new way of life, an intriguing underground world, and a whole lot of potential for where all this could go. Excitement level? WILDLY HIGH!

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