Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Review: Heartless (The Parasol Protectorate #4) by Gail Carriger

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Lady Alexia Maccon, soulless, is at it again, only this time the trouble is not her fault. When a mad ghost threatens the queen, Alexia is on the case, following a trail that leads her deep into her husband's past. Top that off with a sister who has joined the suffragette movement (shocking!), Madame Lefoux's latest mechanical invention, and a plague of zombie porcupines and Alexia barely has time to remember she happens to be eight months pregnant.

Will Alexia manage to determine who is trying to kill Queen Victoria before it is too late? Is it the vampires again or is there a traitor lurking about in wolf's clothing? And what, exactly, has taken up residence in Lord Akeldama's second best closet?
My Thoughts:  Oh, I'm not ready to let this series go yet.  I want more.  More!  MORE!  I just can't get enough of Alexia and her outlook on life.  The waddling!  The fashion!  The manners!  Such fun!

One of the thing that has tickled my fancy through every one of these books is how Alexia and Conall don't have a perfect marriage.  They love one another far more than is fashionable in that day and age and they're decidedly improper in their physical demonstrations of affections (Conall more than Alexia, really, although she doesn't complain when he gets amorous in public.  Too much.) but that doesn't stop Alexia from informing her husband that he's being a buffoon or a ninny or a jackass when the occasion calls for it.  Although she'd never use the word "jackass".  It's far too crass.  Still, I like that they annoy one another.  They get on each other's nerves.  They drive each other to distraction with their actions sometimes.  And they still love one another fiercely.

I like that.

As usual, I adore the secondary characters as much as I do the main characters.  Poor Biffy is having a tough time learning to deal with his unexpected curse.  Lyall showed some depth that took me by surprise.  Not that I thought he was a shallow guy or anything but the twist in his story caught at me and made me look at him a bit differently.  I'm a sucker for guys who do whatever is necessary for the people they love.  Lord Akeldama shows a deviousness ehre that made me cackle with delight.

I'm honestly sad that I don't have the next book lined up to dive into.  I love the lighthearted tone, the characters, the bad guys, the waddling.  I want more.  I want to see what sort of trouble Alexia gets into next and how the poor individuals in the periphery of her life get sucked into her orbit.  Usually against their will.

Viva la octopus!

Other reviews in this series:
Book 1: Soulless
Book 2: Changeless
Book 3: Blameless

More books by Gail Carriger

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