Thursday, October 18, 2018

Crimson Vale by Jennifer Harlow [Review]

Crimson Vale by Jennifer Harlow
Crimson Vale by Jennifer Harlow
Format: ebook
Source: provided for review
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: September 16, 2018

Purchase links: Paperback | Kindle

Jennifer Harlow
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Synopsis (Goodreads):
Welcome to Crimson Vale.

It’s a dream come true. A vast inheritance. A beautiful mansion in the heart of the small town South. A seductive, mysterious, literal man of her dreams offering true, pure love. Ravaged in both body and mind, Jane Harrow leaps into that living dream with abandon.

Despite the voices.
Despite the visions.
Despite the warnings from both the living and the dead.

Because what Jane doesn’t know is nothing and no one are what they seem. Because demons from the past are patient. Because dreams can quickly turn into living nightmares, especially in…

Crimson Vale
Thoughts on Crimson Vale: You know how when something looks too good to be true you should probably stop and make sure you're not walking into the clutches of something otherworldly that's probably doesn't have your best interests at heart?

Yeah. That.

Jane should really have slowed her roll a bit before jumping at the chance to move into a massive house owned by a family she knew nothing about. Although, given the circumstances (both in the present and with the unknown quantity of her family), I can see why she was so fired up to find a connection to the past that's been kept hidden from her.

Except sometimes secrets are secrets for a reason and sometimes the dark thing standing in the shadows is really something you don't want to cross.

Anywho. Jane's in a bad place and jumping at the chance to visit the family home she's never known about seems like an answer to all her problems. Guess what? It's not. Learning the things she learns only drives her deeper into her own bad place and...hold up. You know who I felt most for? Her husband. The guy really was a good guy and he might not have done great things when they were both at their lowest, but he loved Jane and he did his best to stand by her as much as she allowed. His part of the story was rough to read. To be so helpless against something had to chafe. Especially when the bad stuff is happening to someone you love.

Family, man. You either get the best times or the worst times with them. Jane seemed to score some of the worst.

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