Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Transylvania Twist by Angie Fox [Review]

The Transylvania Twist (The Monster MASH #2) by Angie Fox
Format: ebook
Source: provided through NetGalley
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: January 17, 2021

The Monster MASH
1. The Monster MASH
2. The Transylvania Twist - Paperback | Kindle
3. Werewolves of London

Angie Fox
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
A shaky truce. A pregnant Medusa. And a dedicated doctor who keeps legends alive.

Even during a truce, I have my hands full as a MASH surgeon to an army of warring gods—especially when Medusa herself turns up pregnant. I frankly have no idea what to expect when a Gorgon’s expecting, but I have an even bigger problem when my presumed-dead former-fiancé sneaks into my tent with enough emotional baggage to fill a tank.

He’s been fighting for the other side, which technically makes him my enemy, and now he needs me and the power I’ve kept secret for so long: I can see the dead. It’s a blessing and a curse. Literally. Because the gods will smite me in a second if they suspect.

But the other side is developing a terrible new weapon, and the only person who can stop the carnage was just murdered in a covert lab behind enemy lines. So I have no choice but to pull on my combat boots and go AWOL with my ex and a moody berserker to confront a ghost with a terrible secret.

Too bad uncovering the truth could make me enemy #1…

Warning: This book contains a Star Wars-obsessed werewolf, an adorable hellhound, demigods in peril, action, romance, and friends who put each other first—in a MASH camp where everybody knows your business.
Thoughts on The Transylvania Twist: I'm not going to lie, I have no idea how I feel AT ALL about Marc's reappearance. While Petra's life has admittedly been thrown into turmoil (not just by the prophecies, either. Thanks, Galen.), the fact he let her (and his family) believe he's been dead for the last 10 years is a hard one for me to work my head around. Plus, I liked Galen. You know, right up until he started making decisions for her.

Nobody's perfect, I guess.

Anywho. There's more prophetic mayhem making the rounds and Petra's smack-dab in the middle of it. She's juggling a little heartache, a lot of disbelief, and she still has to hide her ability to see the dead or the gods (both old and new) might smite her. Which NOBODY wants. Really.

Oh, and there's a weapon of mass destruction that needs to be stopped.

Marc's reappearance throws her for a loop. Sneaking behind enemy lines is pretty darn dangerous. Accidentally meeting the parameters of various prophecies (which never tell her if she's on the right track or about to make everything worse for those around her) is mentally and emotionally exhausting. In other words, Petra's got a pretty full plate and things just keep getting more chaotic despite how she tries to stay out of the limelight.

One more book to go to see how it all plays out. I'm ready!

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