Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Ruby Fever by Ilona Andrews [Review]

Ruby Fever (Hidden Legacy #6) by Ilona Andrews
Format: paperback
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: August 24, 2022

Hidden Legacy
1. Burn for Me
2. White Hot
3. Wildfire
3.5. Diamond Fire
4. Sapphire Flames
5. Emerald Blaze
6. Ruby Fever - Paperback | Kindle

Ilona Andrews
Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
An escaped spider, the unexpected arrival of an Imperial Russian Prince, the senseless assassination of a powerful figure, a shocking attack on the supposedly invincible Warden of Texas, Catalina’s boss... And it’s only Monday.

Within hours, the fate of Houston—not to mention the House of Baylor—now rests on Catalina, who will have to harness her powers as never before. But even with her fellow Prime and fiancé Alessandro Sagredo by her side, she may not be able to expose who’s responsible before all hell really breaks loose.
Thoughts on Ruby Fever: I freely admit to being predisposed to adoring the entire Baylor clan. All of them. They're wildly supportive of one another and they love so hard. If someone threatens them and theirs, they close ranks and present a united front and I REALLY like that. So much.

Catalina and Alessandro are FIRE together. She's grown into herself and her power (even the unexpected aspects of it) and she's a strong head of her house. Alessandro supports her in every way. Okay, yes, he did try to handle a thing or two on his own, but that's more because it was coming from his family and he didn't want to burden Catalina with dealing with them. Which he admitted was the wrong thing to do when push came to shove. Besides that little speedbump, he's amazingly supportive and trusts her with everything about himself. I feel like the two of them would burn down the world for one another if they needed to.

Yes, my *heart eyes* are strong for them as a couple.

Outside of their blazing romance (so hot!), there's A LOT that happens here. Secrets are revealed, the Baylor family expands, machinations are uncovered (grandmama Tremaine is terrifying and the way she goes about giving those she loves what they want most in the world is downright diabolical, but she's has her reasons for doing things and GOOD GRAVY SHE'S STILL TERRIFYING!), and those bad guys who have been pestering our heroes have to face the consequences of their actions. By that, I mean they have to face the combined might of the Baylor family and the allies they've gathered around them courtesy of their unwavering moral code. In other words, it's bad news for the bad guys.

MAN, I adore this family.

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