Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Planet Zero by Lydia Hope [Review]

Planet Zero by Lydia Hope
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: October 20, 2021

Purchase LinksKindle

Lydia Hope
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Synopsis (Goodreads):
A spaceship crash survivor, Addie Rye is lucky to be alive. But being stuck on a primitive planet isn’t exactly the epitome of luck. With no way home, Addie has no choice but learn how to use stone tools and catch her dinner before cooking it while attempting to befriend a tribe of wild nomads who inhabit this planet.

His injuries rendering him useless in the eyes of his tribe, embattled Zoark is content to occupy the lowest rung of the social ladder. When Addie ingratiates herself into his tribe, he doesn’t trust her and goes out of his way to make her feel unwelcome. But soon, he is captivated by her grit and resilience and enchanted by her human spirit. Against his will, his long-dormant protective instincts come to life.

As the tribe moves around this vast alien steppe, tensions mount among its people, augmented by dwindling resources, violent predators, and marauding rivals. Only the strongest will survive, and Zoark needs Addie to keep him going. Knowing the fate of the tribe may one day depend on this man, Addie agrees to his impersonal proposition. But can her human heart remain detached?
Thoughts on Planet Zero: Hoo-boy. Addie and Zoark have a sloooooow burn going on here. Slow. Gloriously slow. Even once they're physically together, they're both keeping themselves emotionally detached (more on Zoark's part, really, and he most definitely has his reasons) and it takes time and THINGS HAPPENING before they get down to the relationship thing.

Here's the thing...even after two years on this planet, there's still a lot Addie doesn't know about her new home. The settlement that took her in after the crash wasn't...hmm, how to put this? It wasn't a healthy place/group overall. Not only were most of the people there physically damaged in some way, Addie was simply left in the dark about many of the reasons and customs the drove the people. When disaster strikes and Addie is left on her own, she barely has the skills to keep herself alive. She manages, but barely.

Stumbling over Zoark's tribe and grudgingly being allowed to stay shows her the whys and hows of a lot of things she hadn't realized.

That said, Addie isn't exactly welcomed with open arms. Her medical knowledge isn't wanted and she's only tolerated amongst most of the tribe. And Zoark? He doesn't care for her. At all. Mostly because he's met other humans and one in particular soured him on them all. His injuries also make him something of an outcast which bothers Addie. As they slowly start warming to one another, things develop. Slowly, mind you, but Zoark's brooding animosity eventually fades and Addie starts seeing him as a reluctant ally.

A little danger, a human in an alien world, brooding, betrayal, and found family. Good stuff all around.

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