Thursday, May 16, 2024

Truth or Wolf by Anne Marsh [Review]

Truth or Wolf (Wolf Brothers #1) by Anne Marsh
Format: ebook
Source: provided for review
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: March 26, 2024

Wolf Brothers
1. Truth or Wolf - Paperback | Kindle

Anne Marsh
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Welcome to Moonlight Valley, Tennessee… the secret paranormal sibling of Penny Reid’s Green Valley and a small town where bearded werewolves outnumber the unsuspecting human inhabitants.

Twin brothers Atticus and Ford Boone may share the same face and the same supernatural secret, but where Atticus is charismatic and charming, Ford is grumpy and reserved… and that’s before he shifts into his wolf. When hardworking citizen scientist Alice Aymes reluctantly returns to Green Valley to restart her stalled life, she’s sure she knows what to expect. She’ll save up the money she needs to escape to Nashville while nursing her secret infatuation with the ever-popular Atticus Boone—and fighting with her high school nemesis, his twin brother. Alice hates Ford, and he’s always hated her right back. But after a case of mistaken identity has Alice kissing the wrong twin, she does what any good scientist does and analyzes the facts.

Fact #1: It’s time to revisit her unrequited crush on Atticus. Who needs a white-knight fantasy man when there’s a rock-solid, beaded lumberjack in your personal space?

Fact #2: Stimuli and sensory input ahoy! Growing up, Alice saw Ford as the grumpiest, sternest guy in town. They fought for years. Apparently that now sends her amygdalae into sensual overdrive.

Fact #3: The more bearded the wolf, the more protective and possessive.

As Alice finds herself irresistibly drawn to the man she loves to hate, the question lingers: How much of her level-headed heart is she willing to risk in the face of newfound desires and supernatural secrets?
Thoughts on Truth or Wolf: Who knew that versions of the Winston boys transported to a paranormal wolfy setting would do it for me? Given that I adore me some wolfies, I probably SHOULD have known this, but my enjoyment of Ford and Alice's romance was still a fun kick in the pants. Which might say something about my lack of self-awareness OR it might just be that I didn't know what I wanted until it hit me in the brain. (Spoiler: I'm going with the second option.)

So. Ford and Alice. He's a lot less charming than his twin and he's had a little something simmering for Alice for a LOOOONNNNG time. On Alice's end, Atticus (the charming twin) is easy to like and just...easy. Like, he's more fantasy than reality. She likes him because it's uncomplicated. Whereas Ford is Complicated (yes, with a capital C). Whenever they spend time near one another they fight. As it turns out, the fighting is like foreplay and Alice grows to enjoy their verbal spats once that's pointed out to her.

Besides the Ford and Alice romance, we have brothers who are wolves, a town that has a lot hiding under the surface (which is to say more than just the Boone wolves are in residence), familial bonds, secrets, a realignment of goals, some unscrupulous characters, and some sneaky happenings going on behind the scenes by the connivingest of the Boone brothers.

Yep, I didn't know I wanted small town wolfies with strong family bonds when I picked this book up, but BOY did they hit the spot.

Grab your copy TODAY!

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