Friday, August 30, 2024

Tracked on Predator Planet by Vicky L. Holt [Review]

Tracked on Predator Planet (Predator Planet #2) by Vicky L. Holt
Format: ebook
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: January 20, 2024

Predator Planet
1. Hunted on Predator Planet
2. Tracked on Predator Planet - Kindle
3. Hounded on Predator Planet
4. Trapped on Predator Planet
5. Hidden in Predator Planet

Vicky L. Holt
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
This planet wasn’t big enough for both of us.

Something was stealing game from my traps. I would wait until I could catch them in the act, except for one problem: the Doomsday clock counting down in my blood. That trickster might be making my life difficult, but he also might be my only hope. If I wanted to live, I had to track and hunt him down—or die trying. But he was fast. Agile. Enormous. Inhuman.


Then again, I was the alien on this planet full of predators. But alien predator or not, he could be the ally I needed in order to survive. When his alien heart threw another tool into the works of fate, we were both snagged in a different kind of trap. Would love be enough to save us, or would it lure us into even greater danger?
Thoughts on Tracked on Predator Planet: Oh, ho! It's Pattee Crow Flies and Hivelt who likes to talk about himself in the 3rd person. Which is kind of funny especially since Pattee gets a kick out of it. Anywho. THESE TWO! Hivelt might not have adored Pattee with all his heart when he first caught sight of her, but he got where he needed to be.

But before the adoration, Pattee was making the best of a bad situation. With her entire world upended (and her not even on HER world, but some nightmarish horror planet that tries to eat you at every turn), she used the survival skills her father had taught her to carve a little place for herself. To Hivelt's chagrin, she's chosen his favorite clearing and is making a safe haven for herself.

Yeah, Hivelt is not pleased to have his sanctuary taken over by one of the soft-skinned humans. It doesn't take long, however, before these two are teaming up and avoiding the ever volatile things this nightmare planet is throwing at them.

A whole lot of upheaval, danger around every turn, a warrior who just wants some of his mother's fish stew (and who endures a lot before he finally gets it), and a lady who is as capable as she is determined. That's two of the escape pod survivors down, three to go!

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