Monday, September 2, 2024

Hounded on Predator Planet by Vicky L. Holt [Review]

Hounded on Predator Planet (Predator Planet #3) by Vicky L. Holt
Format: ebook
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: January 21, 2024

Predator Planet
1. Hunted on Predator Planet
2. Tracked on Predator Planet
3. Hounded on Predator PlanetKindle
4. Trapped on Predator Planet
5. Hidden in Predator Planet

Vicky L. Holt
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
When I found out my best friend was mated to an alien, I had questions.

My best friend was what now? Just no. Crashing onto this hellscape jungle planet was bad enough. Not to mention the near-miss to my femoral artery or the tentacled lake beast or the woman-eating tree. But to discover the alien locals were mating with hapless humans was a bridge too far! Once my trusty A.I. sidekick explained what was up, I knew I had to find Pattee Crow Flies and make sure she wasn’t brainwashed. Just as soon as I could catch my breath. Because damn, my leg hurt, and I was so tired. If it wasn’t for my alien doggo friend, I’d probably be dead by now. And then one of those alien locals introduced himself as my heart mate?

Aw, hell no.

Did I have to fall in love in order to live?
Thoughts on Hounded on Predator Planet: Amity, Pattee's BFF, survived the chaos aboard ship and ended up planet-side with the other survivors. Well, she actually ended up crash-landing and in a bit of a bad way before she managed to rejoin the other human women. The point is she's on-planet and ready to face off against anything that wants to end her.

HA. Okay, no. The facing off against the horrors this nightmare planet likes to throw at unsuspecting humans comes later. First she's just trying to deal with her injuries while avoiding any of the terrors the planet keeps throwing in her direction. So she makes a few friends, seriously wonders if the other humans are okay since her AI is telling her they're hooking up with alien men, and worries about dying of the airborne cooties that don't play nice with human biology.

The alien who feels all sorts of things for Amity? Natheka. The big guy is sweet and smitten and determined to not spill his feelings all over Amity until she gets used to the idea of a heart mate. Spoiler: He let's it slip pretty early on and Amity has plenty of time to let the idea percolate.

Meanwhile, dangerous political maneuverings are afoot, the goddesses are making themself known when they need to, a flatulent doggo considers Amity his person, Natheka is determined to win his heart mate's, uhh, heart, and the human group is growing a little bigger. Three human ladies down, two to go!

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