Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Trapped on Predator Planet by Vicky L. Holt [Review]

Trapped on Predator Planet (Predator Planet #4) by Vicky L. Holt
Format: ebook
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: January 22, 2024

Predator Planet
1. Hunted on Predator Planet
2. Tracked on Predator Planet
3. Hounded on Predator Planet
4. Trapped on Predator Planet - Paperback | Kindle
5. Hidden in Predator Planet

Vicky L. Holt
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
If you love a predator, you’ll always be his prey.

I woke up in a green hell.

Specifically, a bog that VELMA tells me not even the burly alien hunters of this planet would willingly traverse. I’ve been trapped here for two weeks, am almost out of food, and completely out of hope. And then I heard his voice. He was coming for me. But would I be alive by the time he found me?
Thoughts on Trapped on Predator Planet: The human who got dropped into a nasty, toxic swamp is up and she's dealing with A LOT. Which isn't to say the other ladies aren't dealing with their own versions of A LOT. I mean, the flora, the fauna, and HECK even the planet itself seems out to get them. So a terrible swamp with toxic air and a new batch of critters just DETERMINED to end our heroines seems pretty on-brand, really.

Fortunately for Joan, she has an intact (mostly) escape pod, an almost-sentient AI system that's employing it's considering computing power to keeping her from getting lost in her own head, and one determined warrior who will figure out how to get to her even with the most dangerous place on the planet staring him in the eye. Almost literally, as it turns out. Let's just say Raxkarax is not going to let the human woman who makes him feel things before he ever lays eyes on her get swallowed whole by the planet. Honestly, the planet is trying VERY hard to do just that (or so it seems) so the big guy has his work cut out for him.

On top of all the external danger, Joan also has to deal with some baggage she's been carrying around for a while. The good thing about this planet? It kind of forces you to deal with all that stuff that would normally be shoved in a dark corner of a person's head and (hopefully) come out stronger on the other side.

More upheaval and destruction, political (of a sort) maneuverings back on the hunter's home planet that makes things more dangerous for the group at every turn, new and more deadly critters, a warrior  who knows what he wants, and a lady who has to come to terms with her past before she can dive into her future. YESSSSS. This series is VERY fun and I'm so ready to see that last warrior fall!

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