Saturday, October 12, 2024

Storm Warning by Nora Roberts [Review]

Storm Warning by Nora Roberts
Format: ebook
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: April 23, 2024

Purchase Links: Kindle

Nora Roberts
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Back in rural Virginia to take over her aunt’s mountain inn, Autumn Gallegher is surprised to find the resort so full of guests—and shocked to discover Lucas McLean among them. A writer of extraordinary depth and talent, Lucas’s way with words won Autumn’s love in a passionate affair that he ended without warning. Three years later, she’s still drawn to his dark intensity and desires him more than ever. But when a guest’s dead body is discovered, Lucas becomes the police’s prime suspect. And while Autumn still loves Lucas, she also has evidence that could convict him of murder…
Thoughts on Storm Warning: I think this might the first NR throwback book that didn't work for me. While there were parts I enjoyed, the ending seemed abrupt and I wasn't thrilled with the reasoning behind why Lucas broke things off with Autumn originally. It just felt...I dunno, too easy a reason, maybe? (On an unrelated note, the blurb doesn't quite hit right either. Mostly because I don't remember Autumn going to to the inn to take it over [she was just there for a visit] and Lucas was never in the police's prime suspect [by the time the police arrived, the baddie had been caught by those at the inn]. So, there's that.)

Anywho. The things I enjoyed (in no particular order): Murder. Trying to figure out who did the deed. Autumn's passion for photography and acceptance of her slightly absentminded aunt's tangents.

Like I said, this is the first NR throwback I didn't love, but it's not going to stop me from continuing to delve into her backlist.

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