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Date read: October 10, 2024
Claire Hartley Accidental Mystery
1. Bride or Die
2. Say Yes to the Death - Paperback | Kindle
3. Happily Never After
Madison Score
| Website | Amazon |
Synopsis (Goodreads):
After putting her would-be-murderer behind bars, Claire Hartley is determined to get back to planning elaborate marriage proposals and exploring her undefined relationship with grumpy filmmaker Luke. If she could just kick her new sleepwalking habit, everything would be perfect.Thoughts on Say Yes to the Death: Not going to lie, Claire is kind of a hot mess after her abduction and experience with the Widowmaker. She's dealing with things by not really dealing with them at all and this is causing issues for the poor lady. Issues like sleepwalking and sleep eating (which are both awkward on a lot of levels in different ways) and being a little manic. Which she kind of was before the abduction, come to think, so maybe that's not caused by everything she's done through.
Unfortunately, perfect isn’t in the cards for Claire when her archnemesis slaps her with a lawsuit, someone from her past comes knocking, and she becomes the target of mysterious threats that feel oddly familiar. Is the West Haven Widowmaker pulling strings from prison or is it a new sinister bad guy?
When a betrayal sends her into a tailspin, it’s time for Claire and her rescue corgi, Rosie, to take investigative matters into their own hands…er, paws.
Can she figure out who is behind the escalating threats before it’s too late?
The point? Claire's got a serious hot mess thing going on. Her archnemesis is suing her (to be fair, Wendy's even MORE of a hot mess than Claire and she's wildly vindictive to boot, so that lady kind of deserves everything coming to her. Well, maybe not everything.), her probably-boyfriend is being weirdly secretive, his mom is NOT NICE AT ALL (neither is his brother, so Luke has a pretty messed up family), and Claire's absent father has decided to show up and insert himself into her life in maybe the worst way possible.
With everything going on, Claire doesn't make some of the best choices. But she's nothing if not entertaining and her actions sort of spur Luke into sharing things he wouldn't otherwise be inclined to share. So that's a win. But the fact someone is gunning for Claire AGAIN almost overshadows that. Almost.
Anywho. Claire has issues, her boyfriend needs to figure out his priorities, someone wants Claire (and other women) to pay for being successful, there are family THINGS popping up left and right, and Clair's archnemesis is AWFUL. Just really awful. So bad. Yuck to her, but thumbs up to the book!
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