- Mission: Her Freedom by Anna Hackett [Review] - Team 52 goodness!
- Pets in Space 5 Anthology [Review] - Pets! In space!
- Contaminated by Amanda Milo [Review] - Twitchy aliens! YES!
- Daxon's Hostage by Michele Mills [Review] - Alien bounty hunters, yo!
- Rampion by Susan Trombley [Review] - Fairy tale retellings!
- King Sized by Jessa Kane [Review] - A big and brawny hero!
- Books added to the pile
- Pride and Papercuts (The Austens #5) by Staci Hart - For review!
- Currently reading
- Pride and Papercuts by Staci Hart
- KellyApple.com.
- On Monday, I celebrated the release of the 7th Heart of Stone installment! A Stone's Throw Away is the crazy push before the big finale. OMG! THINGS HAPPEN! I HEART IT HARD!
- Feature Friday took us back to the first Forgotten Monsters book, Wisp. You know you can't resist grumpy Will, the wisp living on the edge of town.

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