Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Servant to the Spidae by Ruby Dixon [Review]

Servant to the Spidae (Aspect and Anchor #4) by Ruby Dixon
Format: paperback
Source: purchased
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: June 18, 2023

Aspect and Anchor
0.5. The King's Spinster Bride
1. Bound to the Battle God
2. Sworn to the Shadow God
3. Wed to the Wild God
3.5. The Half-Orc's Maiden Bride
4. Servant to the Spidae - Paperback | Kindle
4.5. The Sea-Ogre's Eager Bride

Ruby Dixon
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
All my life I have served. One lord after another, I have given them my time, my body and my soul. My newest lord, however, is not one but three.

I have become the anchor to the three Aspects of Fate, the mortal chosen to teach the gods humanity. It seems an impossible task for any mortal to satisfy a god's wishes and I must serve three?

Three lords means three times the frustration, three times the petty demands...

...and three times the pleasure.

This book is exactly what it says on the box - one woman and three men. The streams do not cross but everything else is on the table. Enjoy!
Thoughts on Servant to the Spidae: Yulenna's decision to become the anchor to the spidae turns out to be VERY enlightening. For all of them. I mean, Yulenna finds a place she thrives in and the three aspects learn from her humanity. YESSSS.

Which isn't to say things are easy. For any of them. Yulenna is used to being accommodating with whoever owns her and starts out her stay in the tower by hiding herself and agreeing to anything any of the fates want. Which isn't what the fates want AT ALL, as it turns out. So, yeah. There's a learning curve there. But BUT...they eventually figure out what it is they want and fall into a rhythm of sorts. Again, though, learning curve. The fates only have one human to figure out, Yulenna has three gods.

As for the fates, their aspects are past, present, and future and they're all wildly different. Zaroun (future) is the easiest for Yulenna to find common ground with at first. His ability to see the future is terrible and gives him little joy. He's happy to spend time with Yulenna and NOT see those around him withering and dying. Once Neska (present) and Ossev (past) see how things can between between them and their anchor, they start making an effort to be what Yulenna needs them to be.

Again, learning curve. Big learning curve there. Because, you know, they're gods and the whole reason they have an anchor is to give them the opportunity to learn from her.

Spiders, webs, finding how they all fit, long baths, teaching moments, and some serious steam once Yulenna breaks out of her comfort zone and starts asking for the things she wants. MAN, I like this world!

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