Friday, January 10, 2025

Vera and the Victor by Honey Phillips [Review]

Vera and the Victor (Alien Abduction #22) by Honey Phillips
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: July 28, 2024

Alien Abduction
1. Anna and the Alien
2. Beth and the Barbarian
3. Cam and the Conqueror
4. Deb and the Demon
5. Ella and the Emperor
6. Faith and the Fighter
7. Greta and the Gargoyle
8. Hanna and the Hitman
9. Izzie and the Icebeast
10. Joan and the Juggernaut
11. Kate and the Kraken
12. Lily and the Lion
13. Mary and the Minotaur
14. Nancy and the Naga
15. Olivia and the Orc
16. Pandora and the Prisoner
17. Quinn and the Queller
18. Rita and the Raider
19. Sara and the Spymaster
20. Tammy and the Traitor
21. Unity and the Usurper
22. Vera and the Victor - Paperback | Kindle
23. Willow and the Wraith

Honey Phillips
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
A grumpy alien warrior, a rebellious almost-professor, and an alien paradise...

One moment Vera is peacefully studying for her PhD in Ancient History, the next she is helping an alien race who look like fairies defeat the evil male who had her abducted. They need her help and she’s not about to back down, not even when a huge, grumpy gargoyle shows up on their island demanding their allegiance.

Grabon went looking for a mate. Instead he found a rebellion. When he’s sent to crush one last lingering group of rebels, he discovers their leader is a female - a too smart, too pretty, and too passionate human female. He knows humans are trouble, and yet he can’t seem to resist the annoying little female.

The temperature isn’t the only thing heating up in this alien paradise - but can there be possibly be a future for two people with such different goals?
Thoughts on Vera and the Victor: We're back with our aliens and humans and this time around we have Grabon's story. Grabon has met a human before and he knows just how wily they can be. Which is why he stands firmly in the "human women are dangerous" camp. Turns out, he's 100% right. Humans might not be a fierce or vicious as some of the aliens out there, but they have more than their share of courage and they just don't stop until things get done.

Take Vera, for example. She's not a warrior, but she steps up and helps a subjugated race free themselves. Well, it's kind of a joint effort on the freeing, but the lady does her part and sparks a rebellion. And if she happens to fall for the hunky winged gargoyle along the way, SO IT GOES.

A little political upheaval (new king, a couple of guys claiming to rule the islands now, etc.), a prophecy, a people fighting for their way of life, a fierce warrior who absolutely doesn't plan on falling for a human woman, and the lady who makes him throw that plan out the window. GOOD TIMES!

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