Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bourbon Bliss by Claire Kingsley with Lucy Score [Review]

Bourbon Bliss (Bootleg Springs #4) by Claire Kingsley with Lucy Score
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: October 6, 2023

Bootleg Springs
1. Whiskey Chaser
2. Sidecar Crush
3. Moonshine Kiss
4. Bourbon Bliss - Paperback | Kindle
5. Gin Fling
6. Highball Rush

Claire Kingsley
| Website | Amazon |

Lucy Score
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
June Tucker doesn't understand people. Numbers, data, and statistics? Those make sense. People? Not so much. In a town of Friday night fighters and moonshine-swilling line dancers, she's the odd duck. And that suits her just fine. But her sister and friends are pairing off, and the change is unsettling.

George "GT" Thompson was at the top of his game—one of the best receivers in football. But a career-ending injury sidelined him for good. Now he's hoping to find relief in the healing waters of this tiny West Virginia town. And maybe an idea of what life has in store for him next.

He doesn't expect the no-nonsense girl at the hot spring, telling him he's not supposed to be there. And pointing out his sizeable... equipment.

George is fascinated by June, with her head full of statistics and blunt honesty. He appreciates her in a way most others don't. And when the local missing persons case takes a shocking turn, he's by Scooby-June's side as she digs for the truth.

He was her fantasy receiver. Now he's her real-life boyfriend. But as their relationship heats up, June worries she's not capable of the kind of intimacy he needs. He's convinced his campaign to get her out of her own head—to stop thinking and feel—will work. But his own crisis could drive them further apart.
Thoughts on Bourbon Bliss: I've been itching for June's story since the pragmatic lady who takes things literally and has a head full of statistics and facts first appeared. BOY, she didn't disappoint. June is wicked smart and she knows she's not quite like everyone else in town, but Cass and Scarlett have always made sure to include her in the things they do and June has figured out how to fit in in her own way.

From their first meeting, George is charmed by her. June is straightforward and incredibly intelligent and she's not interested in him only because he's a (former) professional athlete. She likes him because he seems to get her. The fact he's retiring due to an injury isn't a deal breaker for her, although she does mourn his retirement when it comes to her fantasy team.

On June's end, she's smart and everything, but she still has a little baggage. It takes perseverance and patience for George to convince her she's everything he wants and that she's perfect for him just the way she is.

A break in the Callie Kendall case that leaves everyone shocked, a little Bootleg justice, a rousing game of Simon Says, a man who appreciates an intelligent woman, and a lady who goes all in when the situation calls for it. GOOD STUFF!

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