Friday, June 28, 2024

Highball Rush by Claire Kingsley with Lucy Score [Review]

Highball Rush (Bootleg Springs #6) by Claire Kingsley with Lucy Score
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: November 18, 2023

Bootleg Springs
1. Whiskey Chaser
2. Sidecar Crush
3. Moonshine Kiss
4. Bourbon Bliss
5. Gin Fling
6. Highball Rush - Paperback | Kindle

Claire Kingsley
| Website | Amazon |

Lucy Score
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Gravel-voiced Gibson Bodine takes his lone wolf image seriously. The tough guy. The bad boy. He lives alone. Works alone. His one love—besides starting a good brawl—is sitting on a rinky-dink stage in a backwoods bar playing guitar and singing about things he’ll never have.

When a video of him playing goes viral, Gibson ignores the unwanted attention. He’s got bigger things to worry about. Like the bomb his half-brother’s mom just dropped on him. And the fallout from the memento he’s been carrying around for thirteen years.

He doesn’t have time for fame… or love… or meddling neighbors stopping by with casseroles and questions.

But one night in a bar, fifty miles from home, he meets her. And she changes everything.

In Bootleg Springs—home of the best moonshine and nosiest neighbors in West Virginia—secrets don’t keep. When the truth about Callie Kendall’s fate brings danger home, it’s up to Gibson to step up and be the hero. And maybe find what he’s been missing all along.

Thoughts on Highball Rush: Hoo-boy. It's Gibson Bodine's turn to find his special someone and NOT SURPRISINGLY this guy doesn't take the easy route. Gibs has years of hard feelings to work through and some very new feelings when a certain mermaid-haired lady walks into his bar. Then things get even more complicated.

On the plus side, all the little secrets that have been hidden thanks to Callie's disappearance all those years ago find a way to the surface. It starts with Gibson's friendship with a lonely, scared girl and ends with some not-so-nice people getting their just desserts. As expected, the Bodine siblings (along with various friends and significant others) are smack dab in the middle of ALL the things with Gibs taking center stage with his new lady. Speaking of which, although their relationship might have started to throw people off Maya's scent, somewhere along the way things got real and soon Gibs and Maya were steaming up the place despite the danger.

More than a little danger, some not-so-fun memories, hand-holding and PDAs, a shot or two of truth-serum moonshine, some dastardly plots being revealed, sibling bonding, letting go of the past, steamy kisses, a man who will do whatever it takes to keep his lady safe, and a lady who follows her instincts in the best way. I must say that I'm sad to see the Bodine family's story come to an end, but BOY was it a fun ride.

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