Monday, June 24, 2024

Sidecar Crush by Claire Kingsley with Lucy Score [Review]

Sidecar Crush (Bootleg Springs #2) by Claire Kingsley with Lucy Score
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: September 13, 2023

Bootleg Springs
1. Whiskey Chaser
2. Sidecar Crush - Paperback | Kindle
3. Moonshine Kiss
4. Bourbon Bliss
5. Gin Fling
6. Highball Rush

Claire Kingsley
| Website | Amazon |

Lucy Score
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Model turned disgraced reality TV starlet, Leah Mae Larkin, crash lands in her hometown of Bootleg Springs to lay low while a scandal threatens her career. She can't shake the feeling that her agent—and supposed fiancĂ©—manipulated her into the role of made-for-TV homewrecker. Connecting with her roots is just what she needs, and Bootleg Springs is home to her father, moonshine, and her childhood best friend, Jameson Bodine.

Only there's nothing childlike about Jameson—a man who turns scrap metal into art and isn't afraid to throw down on a rowdy Friday night with his brothers and hellcat sister. He might not say much, but still waters run deep. Seeing the ring on his crush's finger? He doesn't like it, but he can't wish it away. No more than he can wish away the trouble his family is in, with evidence pointing to his late father in the cold case disappearance of Callie Kendall.

Jameson and Leah Mae are just two friends reliving their summers together, blowing off steam, and having fun for the first time in a long time. But Leah Mae is realizing what's really important in her life, and it isn't what she thought.

And sometimes steam turns into sparks—hot as molten steel—and friends aren't just friends.
Thoughts on Sidecar Crush: It's time for doesn't-like-the-spotlight Jameson and model/reality star Leah Mae to find their happiness and HEH. Jameson might not like being the center of attention, but Leah Mae is worth the hassle and he'll brave people looking at him if he means having her around. ON the downside, Leah Mae's appearance in Bootleg Springs and subsequent relationship with Jameson is causing people to focus a little more on the disappearance of Callie. Seeing as how Jameson's father is a person of interest in that cold case, it makes things a little complicated for everyone. Jameson's eyes, Leah Mae is worth the upheaval. Sure, sure, he might hit some road bumps along the way as he sees some of the things she deals with in the course of being a reality star, but, again, she's worth it in the end.

On Leah Mae's end, she's at a crossroads. She did the modeling thing and now she's looking to break into acting, but it's not exactly what she thought it would be. A big heap of that is thanks to her agent/fiancé. So she has to rethink and reconfigure what she wants before she can be in the place she needs to be.

Some old fashioned Bootleg fun (bar fights, bonfires, and a whole lot of gossip), family that gets all up in everyone's business, a little brotherly disagreement, art, steamy kisses, a man who has a vision he's trying to make reality, and a lady who is figuring out what she wants out of her life. *thumbs up*

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