Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Starry with a Chance of Nightshade by Mandy M. Roth [Review]

Starry with a Chance of Nightshade (Grimm Cove #4) by Mandy M. Roth
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: December 13, 2022

Grimm Cove
1. Cloudy with a Chance of Witchcraft
2. Hexing with a Chance of Tornadoes
3. Spellcasting with a Chance of Spirits
4. Starry with a Chance of Nightshade - Paperback | Kindle
5. Thunder with a Chance of Lovestruck
6. Wind with a Chance of Wolfsbane

Mandy M. Roth
Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Detective Stratton Bright is a man with many secrets. He came to Grimm Cove on the hunt for monsters created by a madman. Not only is he a Fae who is duty-bound by birth to protect those who cannot protect themselves, he’s got a personal stake in the matter. Now, after years with no leads, the monsters have resurfaced at the same time a new arrival comes to town—a woman Stratton finds himself oddly drawn to. Is it just a coincidence or are the events related? And if so, what could the monsters possibly want with her?
Thoughts on Starry with a Chance of Nightshade: No lie, I was not a huge fan of book 3 (for reasons that likely had more to do with me than anything, but let's move on, shall we?), but Stratton and Astria's story hit it out of the park for me. I feel like we got STORY this time. So much story. Plus new characters, new ongoing issues (of the slightly non-dead variety), and a whole lot of Grimm Cove shenanigans.

But let's start at the beginning. Stratton and Astria. He's an immortal fae who does a very good job at hiding who and what he is from the locals. She's a woman on the run who's distanced herself from everyone she loves in order to keep them safe.

Hold up. That's not the beginning. That's more the end. When we first meet Stratton, he's tangled up in a gruesome case potentially involving the Frankenstein family. Astria makes him feel wildly protective, but she's barely more than a baby at the time and circumstances have them flung apart (which is good since Astria needed a chance to grow up) and separated for a fair amount of time. Years later, since bad luck (of the paranormal-ish variety) seems to follow Astria around, she's taken the drastic step if going full-loner to keep her family and friends safe.

Things happen, monsters are created, secrets are uncovered, Grimm Cove calls everybody to it when it's time for those secrets to be revealed, Stratton and Astria eventually figure things out, and there are more couples being lined up for the future. After all, Astria had several friends who are on their way to GC!

Solid story, a whole lot of monsters, and a couple who grew into each other. *thumbs up*

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