Friday, July 26, 2024

Twins for the Wild Orc by Michele Mills [Review]

Twins for the Wild Orc (Sweet Monster Treats) by Michele Mills
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: November 15, 2023

Sweet Monster Treats
Cookies For My Orc Neighbor
Candy For My Orc Boss
Cupcakes For My Orc Enemy
The Single Mom and the Orc
Single Orc Dad
Twins for the Wild Orc - Kindle

Michele Mills
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
A drunken, one-night stand with a wild orc turns into a life-long commitment.

Because I’ve given birth to his twin babies. And now I can’t find the green, horned father of my children, which is really my own fault. He came on strong, calling me his “Bride” and I got scared at the idea of marrying a ferocious orc. After he passed out next to me, snoring loudly (because he’d finished for the seventeenth time) I slipped out of the hotel bed and sprinted off into the night.

A year later, our babies are three months old and it’s nearly impossible, caring for the needs of orc twins all on my own.

My babies need their daddy. And maybe…I need him too?

After hiring a private investigator, I’ve found the exact commune he lives on in the wilds of Maine.

And I’m bringing him two sweet treats for Halloween—his twin sons.
Thoughts on Twins for the Wild Orc: I'm kind of torn on how I feel about this book. I think a lot of the issues between Drew and Whelan stemmed from basic cultural misunderstandings (like how Drew didn't know she'd end up pregnant after one night with her dude [which orcs are fully aware of, but Whelan didn't realize Drew didn't know] and how she didn't know orcs weren't allowed to go after their special someone and how that left both of them feeling like they'd been abandoned [more so on Whelan's part, but still]) and then these two started talking and, I don't know, every single issue was resolved because they were super self-aware. I don't know if that makes sense, but I'm not a fan of when cultural issues aren't explained to the new-to-the-culture party and I'm also not a fan of characters being so self aware they know exactly what their issues are without any soul-searching.

I guess I'm trying to say I wanted these two to talk before jumping to conclusions, but when they did start talking I wanted them to figure things out together instead of just KNOWING what their issues were.

Like I said, kind of torn.

Anywho. Drew is struggling with her twins, Whelan's in a funk because he thinks his Bride just used him to get knocked up and isn't interested in a relationship. Both of them have abandonment issues, but when Drew moves herself and her kiddos into Whelan's house everything is pretty much smooth sailing. (Sure, I'm glossing over some of the bumps, but Drew really wasn't afraid to move full steam ahead with a potential relationship even though Whelan was on the fence after dealing with a year of abandonment. Oh, wait. That was one of said bumps. There you go.)

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