Friday, October 25, 2024

His Human Runaway by Michelle Mills [Review]

His Human Runaway (Monsters Love Curvy Girls #11) by Michele Mills
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: April 30, 2024

Monsters Love Curvy Girls
1. His Human Nanny
2. His Human Surrogate
3. His Human Assistant
4. His Human Organizer
5. His Human Ward
6. His Human Stalker
7. His Human Socialite
8. Fire Lord Holiday
9. His Human Neighbor
10. His Human Widow
11. His Human Runaway - Kindle
12. His Human Rebel
13. His Human Librarian

Related Series:
(Find all the books for this series under the first review)
Monster Bites
1. Her Alien Priest

Michele Mills
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
I’m lost in the middle of nowhere on a freaking alien planet. Running away from the Hyrrokin mafia. It’s as terrible as you can imagine.

I haven’t eaten in two days and it’s raining in the wildlands. Lightning strikes overhead and thunder rumbles in the distance. I slip and fall in the mud. And then I sit at the bottom of a ravine, crying.

There’s a blur in the distance. Is that a mirage? No, it’s a deadly, satanic-looking male with a bare chest, huge black horns and a barbed tail racing right for me. I scream as this monster looms overhead.

Am I his target? Is he here to recapture me?

“I’ve got you, female,” he says with a deep, gentle tone. “I’m taking you to my ranch. I will protect and care for you.”

He scoops me into his massive arms and I promptly faint from both panic and exhaustion.

Please gods, let this turn out okay.
Thoughts on His Human Runaway: We're back on Tarvos with a new group of Hyrrokin who fall HARD for the human ladies who cross their paths. This time around, we have a lady on the run from the Hyrrokin mafia (or at least the portion of the mafia not run by Prince, I guess) and a male who loves the land and the animals he tends to. Or whatever it is that a rancher-type dude does.

Anywho. Mica and Thorn. She's a human on her own on a planet where she doesn't know the dangers and isn't sure who to trust. He's a Hyrrokin landowner who's starting to think about settling down. You know, if he can find the right lady to settle with. He knows she's the one for him the first moment he lays eyes on her. Mica might feel the pull toward Thorn, but with the situation she's running from she doesn't want to tangle anyone up in her problems and get them hurt. That said, her misgivings don't stop her from settling into Thorn's house and making herself at home.

Once Mica trusts Thorn enough to believe the people around him might be able to keep everyone safe, she spills the beans on the event that had her running from the mafia and THINGS HAPPEN.

There's a little danger, a creep of a mafia son, a big house, a big family, ranch hands that adore Mica's cookies, a male who is willing to go toe to toe with whoever he needs to in order to keep Mica safe, and a lady who isn't sure who to trust, but who has to bite the bullet and figure it out FAST. *thumbs up*

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