Saturday, June 12, 2021

His Human Surrogate by Michele Mills [Review]

His Human Surrogate (Monsters Love Curvy Girls #2) by Michele Mills
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited 
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: October 9, 2020

Monsters Love Curvy Girls
1. His Human Nanny
2. His Human SurrogateKindle
3. His Human Assistant
4. His Human Organizer
5. His Human Ward
6. His Human Stalker
7. His Human Socialite
8. Fire Lord Holiday
9. His Human Neighbor
10. His Human Widow
11. His Human Runaway

Related Series:
(Find all the books for this series under the first review)
Monster Bites
1. Her Alien Priest

Michele Mills
Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
I’m house sitting for a male who had me impregnated in a med lab.

Bergelmir, my secret crush.

That rich, scary devil outbid everyone at the virtual auction and got himself to the top of the list (pissing off a lot of other Hyrrokin) and, gulp, I’m his surrogate. And…now I’m carrying Bergelmir’s baby. But I have my head on straight about this. I’m doing this so my friend can be a father. Because that’s all we are—friends.

But I have a shameful secret I’ve told no one: I wish this baby was mine. And I love that fire-breathing Hyrrokin with all of my heart.

If only he felt the same way.
Thoughts on His Human Surrogate: Aliens, man. They do...weird things sometimes. Like hide out in their own house and keep themselves hidden away from the lady they want above all others (while she's living in the house, mind you) because they don't want to put her in danger. Which I get, but I WOULD NOT BE NEARLY AS FORGIVING AS CHLOE IF I WERE IN HER SHOES.

But I'm not, so let's move on.

Chloe's way into Bergelmir. WAY into him. But newly established planetary laws leave her high and dry on that front, so she keeps that little tidbit tucked away. Plus, the only way she can be on planet (with her BFF!) is if she's gainfully employed. The only employment open to humans that she can slide into easily is...surrogacy.

Okay. I'm down with all this and I actually do understand Berg's reasoning as to why he kept himself hidden (communicating via tablet and whatnot so their budding romance can blossom and all that), but I have a harrrrrrrrrrd time with the whole "it really is *their* baby and he let Chloe believe it wasn't" side of things. Dude. You had best become a world champion groveler to make it up to her because that is NOT COOL. Not cool at all.

The Hyrrokin are a little over the top (as fire breathing aliens sometimes are) and their laws are a bucket of monkey turds. all worked out in the end. Which is a yay in my book!

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