Friday, April 12, 2024

Unguarded by Jay Hogan [Review]

Unguarded (Vino and Veritas) by Jay Hogan
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: April 10, 2023

Vino and Veritas
Unguarded - Paperback | Kindle

Related Series:
(find all the books in the series on the 1st book review)
The Busy Bean
1. Sweetheart

In Vino Veritas
1. Wildfire

Moo U
1. Boyfriend

1. Touchstone

True North
1. Bittersweet

Jay Hogan
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
I fled Boston and my cheating jerk of an ex with three hundred dollars and a lip gloss in my pocket. Waking up the next day in Burlington, Vermont, with a crick in my back and a frozen ass wasn’t exactly in the plan. If there was one. Which there wasn’t. Story of my life.

Three hours later and I’ve been hired as temporary help in the local veterinary and grooming clinic, which is kind of impressive since I know zip about animals and even less about grooming. But one thing I do know—I’m crushing hard on the sexy, absent-minded vet I work for.

My life is a hot mess. The last thing I need is another relationship. Emmett pushes all my buttons, but he isn’t out. He's overwhelmed with a business to run and a son to look after and the kind of domestic life I never thought I wanted.

I should walk away.

But Emmett believes in me, and I might just be starting to believe in myself. As different as we are, is it possible we're exactly what the other needs?
Thoughts on Unguarded: Oh man. Tai was such a sweetheart and Emmett was so captivated by him and his sassy shirts and lip gloss right from the start. Sure, Emmett fought that feeling something fierce, but he did like what he saw in Tai. And I'm talking more than just his good looks. Emmett likes his kindness and his laughter and his flirting. Although the flirting more often than not led to some serious blushing.

But Tai. Tai was a truly kind individual who got a little lost along the way. His utterly awful ex did a number on his sense of self and the guy is not in the best place when he rolls into Burlington. He pulls himself together, though. He finds a job (one he's very good at) and he starts making plans. He absolutely didn't expect to find someone who not only liked him just as he was, but who believed in him the way Emmett did. Throw in an exuberant kiddo and a sassy cat and soon Tai has something he hadn't had since he left his family.

On Emmett's end, he's doing the dad thing and working to keep his clinic afloat and he absolutely doesn't expect his body to sit up and take notice of anyone. Tai basically blindsides him. He wakes him up and makes him laugh again. But the fact Emmett's not out and he has his son to think of has him second guessing all his feelings. Until, you know, he doesn't.

A lot of smolder, a lot of sass, and a first encounter in an unconventional place. *thumbs up*

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