Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Protected by the Hunter by Lynnea Lee [Review]

Protected by the Hunter (Xarc'n Warriors #8) by Lynnea Lee
Format: ebook
Source: borrowed through Kindle Unlimited
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Date read: July 9, 2023

Xarc'n Warriors
0.5. Pursued by the Hunter
1. Claimed by the Hunter
2. Wanted by the Hunter
3. Taken by the Hunter
4. Cherished by the Hunter
5. Rescued by the Hunter
6. Stolen by the Hunter
7. Captured by the Hunter
8. Protected by the Hunter - Paperback | Kindle
9. Desired by the Hunter
10. Coveted by the Hunter
11. Craved by the Hunter

Lynnea Lee
| Website | Amazon |

Synopsis (Goodreads):
Siobhan’s scent calls me to claim her, but I tell her the same lie I tell everyone else: I’m not interested in a mate. I focus on her delicious creations instead, even though she’s the one I truly crave.

I try to stay away, but I cannot. Everything draws me to her, and when I learn of her quest to find her sister, my mouth offers to help before my brain can stop it.

I’m a failed hunter, not worthy of a mate, and every moment alone with the tempting female tests my control. She thinks of me as her protector, but if she knew the thoughts I have about her, she’d run the other way.

Everyone is happily settling down in our post-apocalyptic fortress. But I can’t rest yet; I have to get to my sister. It was my last promise to her before communications went dark. Problem is, she lives across the country, and there are miles of bug-filled America between us.

When Zec’k, the sexy hunter who delivers and trades for supplies with our little colony, offers to help, I jump on the opportunity. It’s supposed to be an easy trip, but everything that could go wrong does. And now, I’m not sure I’ll survive this mission without falling for my Xarc’n guide.
Thoughts on Protected by the Hunter: The supply guy who keeps the hunters and humans in Franklin in food bars and chickens is up and he might be TELLING people he isn't looking for a mate, but he really feels like he's unworthy of one. Which is ridiculous, as Siobhan soon finds out, because Zec'k is a hunter to the core. He might blame himself for his injuries and what happened to his friend, but the guy has come a long way from who he was.

But let's backtrack a little before we get into that. This is the setup for the mountain hunters series and I am frankly THRILLED that we're going to see more hunters doing their thing in different locales. I mean, the Franklin group had a small town to deal with, these new hunters (and the humans harrying them) have mountains and other dangers they need to contend with. That's another story for another book, though.

Right now? We have Zec'k and Siobhan. He's a previously injured hunter who was put on supply duty since his injuries were severe enough they kept him from fighting. Frankly, the after-care for injured fighters is AWFUL for these poor hunters. Sure, they get healed up and all, but mentally they're left to figure things out and it seems like a lot of them are floundering. Zec'k is slowly let himself get back in the saddle fighting-wise, but he's still carrying around a boatload of guilt is unconsciously punishing himself for his part in his friend's death. Meaning, he doesn't allow himself to believe he deserves a mate or a functional shuttle or anything good, really.

Meanwhile, Siobhan might like the big guy and get a little flustered when he stops by with supplies, but he hasn't shown any interest, so she's resigned herself to watching him from afar. Then he offers to take her to the mountains to try to find her sister and suddenly the two are sharing space THINGS HAPPEN. Throw in some not-so-nice humans living in the mountains (seriously. not nice.) and little arena fight against bugs and, well, things move along quickly.

A lost sister, a new crew of hunters, bugs, a warrior who REALLY likes his food, and a lady who goes for it when she gets the green light. YESSSSSSS.

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